New Year’s Day

New Year’s Day I spent cooking. I made a huge batch of Lentil Soup and for dinner, I made Lamb Paprikash. I meant taking the morning to chop vegetables and then sauteing them up. Then, I got the soup going before working on the Lamb.

All in all, both meals came out well, and now I have two things in the deep freeze waiting for Jack to eat them while I am away.

The weather was crazy here. We started the day with about 3-4 inches of heavy wet snow. I called our friend to come and plow for us, as I did not want Jack shoveling this.

By noon the snow was melting and we ended up with heavy piles of slush and water. Ugh!

Our roofers arrived to fix the roof up, but by the time they shoveled off the roof, the wind picked up and with the gust of 45 miles an hour blowing, it wasn’t safe for them to be up there.

The day ended with us watching two old movies. “The Bucket List” and then “Secretariat”. But good movies that we enjoyed.

The lamb was great, and as soon as I finish this, I am off to bed.


2 thoughts on “New Year’s Day”

  1. Your description of snow is interesting. To those of us less experienced with snow, it is light and fluffy white stuff that fall sfrom the skies and covers everything with a pretty white blanket. Wet snow sounds very unpleasant and not to be brushed off your clothes.

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