Thursday 13 #35

Nov 24 015

A bunch of questions were in a survey about 2006 that I got from Goofy Girl. I took what I thought was most interesting and made it into the TT.

1. What did you do in 2006 that you’d never done before?

I bred a litter of wire-haired dachshunds. I witnessed their birth via c-section too, and helped to awaken the puppies.

2. What would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006?

I feel pretty lucky because Hubby and I have our health and this is the most important thing. Perhaps I would like the willpower to diet and exercise myself back into good shape.

3. Compared to this time last year, are you:
happier or sadder? happier
thinner or fatter?

I am Happier. But I am also fatter. Depressingly so.

4. What was your biggest failure?

Gaining weight due to my stress after losing Shubi and Hubby’s knee surgeries.

5. What was your biggest accomplishment?

The litter of puppies.

6. What was the best thing you bought?

All the Christmas gifts for those I love.

7. Whose behavior merited celebration?

My daughter. She has grown into such a wonderful, lovely, competent woman. She not only works hard at her job, she is an excellent friend, and she has cared for her elderly grandmother almost single handedly. My hats off to this fabulous woman!

8. What did you get really, really, really excited about?


9. What was your favorite TV program?

NCIS & House

10. What song will always remind you of 2006?

None really. You can tell you are getting old when the oldies stations are the ones you listen to.

11. What did you want and get?


12. What did you want and not get?

A miracle recovery for Shubi.

13. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2006?

Life rolls along and many times you need to be able to roll with the punches. The most important thing in life above all, is the health and happiness of your family~

Happy New Year Everyone!

9 thoughts on “Thursday 13 #35”

  1. Hmm some of my comments have not been posting to your blog…so I will post again. I am so in awe of the puppies and how wonderful you are with them. Someday maybe when I have less other distractions (I mean commitments) in my life (aka full time work) I can do more of what I love which is working with dogs. Here is to Bernie….the MAN of the litter! Has he aquired a home yet?

  2. Hi Mom,
    Hope you have a great day today! I’m officially back to work (2nd day back), and it is tough to get back in the swing of things! Simply put, I don’t get along well with 5:30 am, and it’s been hard getting reaquainted!
    Give those puppies a kiss for me!
    Love you,

  3. This was a really nice T13 indeed. A lot of questions that had very nice answers. then of course the puppies was in many of the answers – the little wonders 🙂

    Yes, pets really can show us a lot of joy and happiness!!!

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