In the Harry Potter books and movies, during tough times for Harry, when he meets his parent’s friends, they almost all say the same thing.
“I would have known you anywhere, you have her eyes. You have your mother’s eyes.”
Lately, I have noticed that as Anneliese has aged, I look into her eyes, and I see Greta. Anneliese is so much like her mother in so many ways. She is spunky and feisty, and she is also not afraid of anything!
Greta was a wee bit more affectionate than Anneliese is, but Anneliese has her own way of showing her love for us, her owners.
Here is dearest Anneliese. Looking up at me with love in her eyes.
And here is her Mum, Greta, also looking at me. Oh my, how I miss this little pup. She was so devoted to me and I miss her constant presence.
So, when I look at Anneliese, and I see her mother staring back up at me, it is almost like Greta is soothing my broken heart. What a joy it is to see Greta in her daughter’s eyes.
Now I understand what JK Rowling meant when she wrote: “You have her eyes.” about Harry Potter and his mother Lily. It isn’t all about color or shape, rather it is about the soul and sweetness of the person, (or in this case my pup Greta and her daughter, Anneliese).
Yes indeed she is getting old ! It’s like a veil over the eyes ! Arthur too has eye problems, they water, he got an antibiotic shot and it’s a bit better ! Can’t do anything with him he becomes and aggressive tiger !
The eyes are the window to the soul.
Very sweet post.
Yes. The eyes are a window to the soul. Beautiful post!
She does look like Mom too. Sweet puppy 🙂