Who Will Be The Next Dackel Princess?

I’m trying to decide which pup to keep. This is a real problem, because they are all adorable. Of course two of them have wonderful homes already, so they are out of the running, Arnie is a boy, and so he won’t be staying either. Nothing against boys, but I really can’t have mother and son in the same house and my Greta darling, isn’t going anywhere. So, that leaves us with Anneliese (green) and Anita (yellow).

Greta as an 8 week old puppy.

Now the two candidates to become the newest Dackel Princess.

First we have Anita. Or Anni, or whatever name we finally decide for her.

January 14 (20)

Then we have Anneliese.
Jan 3ab 07 002

January 14-2 JS

Anneliese looks just like Greta did as a pup. She is darker in coloring, with a wide eyed look about her. She is feisty and sweet and full of energy. Anita is lighter in color., and sweet as pie, but I need to spend some time evaluating her. She is the pup that doesn’t demand attention from you, but when you pick her up just loves on you. This could be a plus I think.

I knew that we had two awesome parents going into the breeding for these pups. Greta and Bernie are both so sweet, gentle, loving and energetic. Their temperaments were both so good, and all of that goodness has come out in the pups. Each pup is wonderful!

In he next couple of weeks I will need to look them all over and chose. Who will be the newest Dackel Princess?

11 thoughts on “Who Will Be The Next Dackel Princess?”

  1. Hi Mom,
    I like Amy’s idea! I truly think both pups are adorable, and can imagine it would be a very difficult decision. How much snow did you all get over the last few days? We got tons of ice at home, and then literally nothing where I work! It’s like two different worlds, just 50 miles apart!
    Hope you have a great day!
    Love you,
    PS: Give those puppies some hugs and kisses for me! 🙂

  2. Awww…I know you’ll make the right decision. I have a choice, but I’m going to keep it to myself until you ask the blogosphere for our suggestions.

    You’ll be a good mom to whomever you make a permanent part of your family with my darling angel Greta.

  3. I ma melting into a big puppy puddle here.
    The one with the tongue poking out is so cute.
    The one sleeping in the box – I’m in love.
    I’d have to keep them all.
    Take care,

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