Saturday Scavenger Photo

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Jan 7 2Anni

Jan 13 008

Jan. 14 007

Now that the puppies can run around, and also since they have gotten their teeth, they are truly wild!!!

(…..but in a good way!)

26 thoughts on “Saturday Scavenger Photo”

  1. They are like little fuzzy-wuzzy vampires! They are cute, cute…CUTE!!I can’t believe how much they have grown. It would be wonderful to wake up to that action every morning!

    Mine’s up,


  2. *S* Yes, I can see the little savages 😉 But oooooh, so cute… I can forgive them for anything 🙂

    How refreshing it must be for you with all this life joy they have!!!

  3. I can imagine them underfoot, running wild all over the house, and soon chewing up every slipper in the house!! *S*
    Adorable photos!
    Happy Weekend
    Mine’s up too

  4. Hi Maribeth
    They are beautiful. And don’t you go talking about 48 year old “old bones”! I have them too and they’re not so old;) Those middle of the night awakenings aren’t my favorites either. Sometimes a cat walks across my face in the middle of the night, searching for a more comfortable position, which can make getting a good nights sleep a challenge. What we do for our animals (or are we “their people”?). The dogs sometimes cry in the middle of the night and when we check on them, the go back to sleep. Our lifelong children, right??

  5. OH! What sweet puppies! I called the rest of the family to the computer to look at all your photos of the pups.

    Very sweet, but dangerous–makes me long for a puppy!

    Here’s my photo

  6. My new granddaughter is Maggie, a minature daschund! She is wild at times too…she is only 11 weeks old, so I really loved seeing your babies! My photo is up, please come and visit

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