My Sunday

It was a warm, beautiful day here in New Hampshire. When Hubby finished clearing some ice from the drive we brought the four puppies out for a little R&R on the patio. With only four of them, it was slightly less hectic to watch them, although I will tell you that Anita and Anneliese were the two wild ones who figured out how to climb onto the snowbank in the back yard and chase after their Mom’s toy ball. Arnie and Anya wanted to sniff anything and everything, showing us that they are indeed the best in the field so far.

Greta doesn’t put up with their antics too much. When they start to bug her, she gives them a stern growl, and they good-naturedly play off in another direction.

Eventually it was time for them to come in. Oh, what a tough job that was, getting them all back in the house. I finally did what dog owners have been doing since the beginning of time. I got out the dog cookies and bribed them all back in. They scurried in, ate their cookies and then all curled up in bed and fell asleep.

I’ve thought about Angelika today. I’ve wondered how she is doing, if she is happy or missing her litter mates, or if she has happily settled in with her new owners and Bunkie, her new brother.

I really hope that she left here and never looked back.

5 thoughts on “My Sunday”

  1. how cute to have them all out playing! i bet it was hard to get them back in. when do the rest of the them leave for their new adventures?

  2. Hi Mom,
    Well, like you said, at least Angel has gone to a good home! It sounds like she will be very loved–and one can’t ask for more than that, right? Nice too that they said you could come visit with Emily!
    Sorry for waking you up this morning! Hope you have a good day today!
    Love you,

  3. Angel will be fine, you guys gave her a wonderful start in life. I think that we sometimes give animals the qualities that we have, without really knowing how it is that they feel. I want to believe that they respond to the moment and move forward. If Angel were to come back to you right now, it would be as if she never left. In her new home, she’s probably investigating all of the new mischief she can get into and enjoying all of the attention that is being showered on her. Michele

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