Cars, Cookies And Fortunes

We had to go and get our car at the dealership where we bought it today, after it took a week for them to troubleshoot the problem. Don’t get me wrong here. I think they did amazingly well fixing this electrical problem. After all, in today’s cars, everything is electric and just because a wire goes here or there doesn’t mean it actually gets it’s power directly from the battery. It may go through a few other places before it actually goes to the battery.

Anyway, our battery kept going dead, despite the fact that the battery was a good battery. So we brought it in (still under warranty) and told them to keep it until they were sure that it was fixed. I also mentioned that the drivers side seat wasn’t heating up and could they perhaps fix that too? (I hate it when my bottom gets cold in the winter!) Well the electrical problem stumped them too, but true to their word a week later they called to tell us that the car was fixed. It turns out that the problem with the seat heater actually led them to the short in the electrical system. I think I must be clairvoyant!

So after we drove down in Hubby’s car, we parted so Hubby could get his license renewed and I could go grocery shopping. I stopped to get the doggies some of their favorite cookies and then proceeded to the grocery store.

It was there that my cell phone rang and it was Hubby inviting me to lunch. Sure! There is a nice Chinese restaurant in the plaza and once Hubby arrived we had a nice lunch. He had Moo Goo Gai Pan and I had Crispy Shrimp and vegetables. Then our check arrived with our fortune cookies. I love those things!

I opened mine and, well today was my lucky day! Three fortunes!

Find Release From Your Cares And Have A Good Time

Well, I was having a wonderful lunch with my sweetie and didn’t have to clean up after!

You Are An Exciting And Inspiring Person

I did help that sweet little old lady reach the yogurt she wanted on the top shelf and she was so happy and told me how nice I was (and tall!). I think my handing her the yogurt made her happy and inspired?

Share Your Joys And Sorrows With Your Family

Well, I had spoken to my sister and we shared our joys and sorrows with each other. So I was three for three.

Then Hubby opened his. Just one lone fortune, and it said it all.

You Should Be Able To Undertake And Complete Anything

And this is true, he did our taxes yesterday got completely done only to have the machine lock up and swallow all his work! So now, he will be “undertaking and completing” our taxes yet again.

And whoever said that fortune cookies were never right?

5 thoughts on “Cars, Cookies And Fortunes”

  1. Oh geez – re the taxes. If that had happened to MY hubby….well, I wouldn’t want to be around to see the destruction.


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