The Worst Is Over & Other Exciting Things

The worst is over and Hubby and I are on the mend. We both actually ate “real” food today, and started to regain our health. I went out and got my hair done, picked up the mail and Hubby actually got out of bed and put on clothes. He even took care of the puppies while I was gone. Of course he had the help of Fritz and Greta with the puppies so he wasn’t completely alone.

I arrived back from my “dip in the fountain of youth” to find a hungry Hubby and four hungry dogs. I put on my apron and “whipped” up an easy meal for Hubby and then fed all four dogs. Then the fun began as I tried to get the two puppies to do all their business outside.

Anneliese is pretty easy, in that when you bring her out she knows why she is there and will usually perform. Although she will often not perform all her business during one outing. Two, I can handle. Arnie on the other hand is still a bit of a dumb bunny. He will head for the newspapers in the puppy room and I will call to him. I’ll race outside with him and he will then stand there looking at me like I am the one who should be doing something. So we come back in and two seconds later he runs out toward the puppy room. I race after him, and run outside (grabbing my coat, hat and gloves) only to have him stare at me blankly again. I bring him back in and just as my fanny is hitting the seat he runs back to the puppy room.

I jump up as if shot out of a cannon, and race outside with him again. This time I forget my hat and gloves but I have the flashlight and can walk further out into the doggie poop mine field with my puppy. I finally help him find just the right spot and he goes! Woo-hoo!!! Then there are Milk Bones given all around in celebration.

I worry that I am truly insane trying to raise two pups at the same time. Then I look down in my lap at the two faces of the pups sleeping there and I realize that I wouldn’t have it any other way.

9 thoughts on “The Worst Is Over & Other Exciting Things”

  1. Hi Mom,

    Only 2 days left til my vacation! Yeah! I’m so excited!

    Glad to hear that you are starting to feel better! Hope today is more improvement.

    Will give you a call before I head out!

    Love you,


  2. It’s great that you are feeling better.

    Re the pups…..isn’t it true that females are quicker on the uptake than males!!!


  3. Oh, I’m so glad to hear that you’ve got better from the stomach flu – that’s the worst thing I know and you got it for a week! It must have been so tough!

    The puppies sounds so much fun, giving back much love I bet 😀

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