Random Dozen

1. How do you feel about the marshmallow Easter Peeps? I am not a fan, but my sister adores them.
2. Chickens are notoriously nervous creatures. When you are nervous, what is the best way to calm down? I usually cook. This explains my lifetime membership at Weight Watchers.
3. People say, “April showers bring May flowers.” Do you enjoy Spring rains? No. We’ve just had so much rain!
4. When I was randomly flipping through TV channels this week, I saw a show in which tattoo parlor employees received tattoos of a co-worker’s face on their bodies. I can’t imagine having a portrait of a colleague tattooed on me. But if someone forced you to receive a portrait tattoo (face only) of anyone, who would it be? Why? My daughter Katie. She passed away at the age of 6.
5. Would you rather have a tattoo (any kind) or a nose ring? Neither one.
6. Do you have any special plans for Easter? Yes. I am cooking a big dinner for family and friends.

7. Cadbury Eggs or Reese Eggs? Cadbury!
8. What was the last thing/person you took a picture of? My dackel, Arnie.

9. What book are you reading now, or what was the last one? I’m still not able to read much because of my detached retina. But I check out People Magazine each week.
10. What do you think is the most difficult task when it comes to Spring cleaning? Taking the curtains down, washing them and putting them back up.
11. How many pairs of flip-flops do you own? One.
12. Which color makes you happiest? Sky Blue!

Valentines Day Love

Sunday was a wild day. I had planned a Valentine’s luncheon with my Hubby, my cousin Janet, and our friend Michele. We dined on Lobster, broccoli and homemade macaroni and cheese. You should have seen me in the kitchen this morning! I made a white sauce, and then added the three cheeses, whisking constantly to make the sauce for the macaroni! I felt like Julia Child! I had Hubby taste the sauce and he pronounced it totally unlike boxed Mac & Cheese, so I knew I had scored, as he really hates that!

I knew there would be a lot of dishes later on, so I actually did two sink-fulls of cooking dishes, as I had almost used every pot in the house to make this delicacy! Then I set the table, and all during this time I was letting dogs in and out and walking Bogey too.

Janet and Michele arrived and we sat down to our feast! It just doesn’t get any better than Lobster! The conversation was great and we joked and laughed and had a super time. At the end of the meal, Michele brought out her contribution…the most wonderful cupcakes ever!

Bogey’s parent’s arrived shortly afterward, just missing out on the cupcakes! They were so happy to see Bogey and he was sooooo happy to see them too! They came in and told us all about their trip, which included some truly amazing experiences along the Costa Rica coastline and through the Panama Canal!

Best of all they remembered that I love the Costa Rican coffee and they brought me two bags full! They also brought us the best, smoothest Rum that Hubby and I have ever sipped. This is not the sort of thing you want to mix with coca cola. It is a premier Rum that is best for sipping like a liquor!

Soon they scooped up Bogey, and all his stuff and then off they went. Janet and Michele stayed a little bit longer and then, they too departed.

After everyone had gone, Greta, Arnie, Anneliese and Fritz all settled down, and Hubby and I sat down in our chairs and the house was quiet! It was in that moment that I realized just how tired I was.

However, it was a great day all around and I realized that what the Beatles sang in one of my favorite songs, was so true….

“and in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love….you make”

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Today we celebrate love. I have so many people in this world that I love, as well as my furry creatures, so I put together a montage of some of my favorite picture, of some of my favorite people & pets. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did putting it all together.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Valentines Day 2010 from Dackel Princess Maribeth on Vimeo.


I slept amazingly well on Saturday night. Sometime around 4 o’clock I heard the telltale sign that we’d had a good snowfall. I heard a snowplow truck go down the road below our home. I recall smiling, as I snuggled with the dackels and Hubby and fell back to sleep.

When I woke at 7:30 I grabbed the camera so when I let the dackels out I could take some pictures. They were so happy to see snow. Especially the girls!

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Left to right are Anneliese, Arnie and Greta.

The girls played and played, but Arnie soon got pretty wet and headed back toward the door.

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There is a certain excitement that comes with the first substantial snowfall. I feel it and so do the pups. Last night I stood outside before I went to bed, in the snow. I just stood alone as the snow fell all around me and I listened to the silence! If you have never seen snow, or been around it you will not know what I am writing about. But when the snow has covered the ground and it is snowing heavily the snow dampens the sounds around you. So when you stand in your yard, alone all you can hear is the most wonderful silence in the world.

Later in the morning I decided to take all four dogs out for a little romp in the snow. Fritz is so good, as he never leaves your side, or if he does, he comes right back when you call. At six years old he is a great dog!

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The three dackels were excited and trotted right up our driveway. Suddenly Anneliese saw something by the edge of the woods, and off she ran.

Dec 6 09 Anneliese dashing through the snow25

We all made it back on the driveway and walked along a little bit more. Then I called for them to come back and as you can see, only three of them listened. Yes, Anneliese was off chasing snow bunnies, I think!

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So once the three dogs were up near the house I turned to find Anneliese. That was pretty easy. She was coming back through the woods, looking very much like the mighty huntress that she is!

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She followed me up to the house.

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We found Arnie at the door waiting for us, looking just a little cold!

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Hubby had started a fire in the hearth so we all came in and enjoyed the warmth. Between the snow, the fire, and going out to the Town Christmas party I really felt in the holiday spirit!

Christmas Preparations

I was incredible today! Really incredible. I finished printing all the Christmas letters, corrected and printed up a new address book and printed up Christmas address labels too. Once I was done with all of that, I brought it all out to the kitchen table and put everything down in neat, sorted piles.

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I was so happy to get to that point that I immediately sat down and started writing, addressing, stamping, and putting labels on. I worked for about an hour until dinnertime. Once I was done serving up a delicious Yankee Pot Roast, with onions, celery, carrots and potatoes, eating it and then cleaning it all up, I wasn’t really in the mood to sit back down and work on the cards. So they will have to sit like this until tomorrow.

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I will get to work right after breakfast and will spend most of the day writing. I love to write the cards and I love sharing good wishes during this time of the year.

I also love to get cards. Do you know what I do with them? As each Christmas card arrives I take it and decorate the doors in our family room. It gives me such a warm feeling looking at them all during the month.

I’ve got to get out a few things to decorate the house with tomorrow. Just a few things. I was going to put up the tree, but since we are going to be away for 11 days and the dogs will be here with the house sitters, I’m thinking it just might be easier for them not to have to deal with a tree and four dogs! However, I do want some decorations up, so I’ll have to get a few things down from the attic.

Yeah, I love Christmas!

Christmas Is Coming

Today is the last day of November. Can you believe that? After today, we have 31 days until the year 2009 is over! At times 2009 has felt like it would never end, and then on days like today, I feel like 2009 has flown by.

I wanted to get our Christmas letter done! Usually Hubby is in charge of that, but this year he has been so busy that he hasn’t had the time. So, what did I do? I wrote a letter, complete with pictures and sent it over to Hubby’s computer.

It did what I’d intended, spurring him into action to correct, organize and add his personal touch to it. I must say, he has a way with words, and the letter is complete! We have 3/4 of them printed up, and if you too want one, send me your complete name and address to: dackelprincess(at)metrocast.net

Printing these out is a bit of a challenge, so I sat doing that and on another computer I put in the movie “27 Dresses” and watched that. It made the time fly by and kept me well entertained. However, the time did go by, and eventually I had to stop to make dinner.

I got the cutest thank you note from my grand-nephew, Luke. He sent me the sweetest picture that he’d drawn to thank me for his birthday gift! I’m putting it up on my wall with Makenna’s picture. I also got school pictures of both of my grand-nephews. Wow, are they adorable! My niece and nephew also sent one of my older grand-nephew, Taft in his football uniform. I put all of these right up on my mantle so I can see them.

I got a text message from my sister, who is on vacation. She is having a great time and enjoying the sunshine.

Well, back to going over my Christmas Card list and checking it twice!

The Feast!

After three days of planning and cooking, I finally laid my table with all the vegetables and turkey and stuffing and we sat down to eat.

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Everything came out well with the exception of the apple pie, which I was not pleased with. My chestnut dressing was, I think, the best I have ever made. Grandma would be proud of me!

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I tried to portion out my food, but I have to tell you that by the end of the meal, all I wanted to do was unhook my pants and have an Alka Seltzer!

Our friends were truly enjoyable company and we didn’t stop talking all through the meal. Perhaps if I had talked more, and eaten less I would not feel so over stuffed now!

I’m making broth for turkey soup, and we have enough left overs to feed an army. Every year I swear I will not do this, and every year I end up with way too much!

Below you will find another recipe.

Happy Friday!

Happy Thanksgiving

Let the eating begin!

Several people asked me to please post a few of the recipes for my Thanksgiving meal. Since I am a lover of food, and taste is everything I have searched over the course of many years to find these. Hubby has been helping me today with all of the preparation work and tomorrow he will help me with the actual cooking. I’m lucky to have him.

I was so busy today with each of the items you will see below, and now that dinner is done I am just plain beat! I plan to put my feet up watch a tiny bit of TV before heading to bed early. I still need to make my apple pie in the morning and get old Tom Turkey in the oven by 9 AM!

I am doing a Christmas card exchange this year. If anyone would like to join in please email me at: dackelprincess(at)metrocast.net with your full name and address and I will send you mine.

Happy Thanksgiving!

and Happy Anniversary to my sister Melodie and her husband Ron!