Friends & Doggies

My oldest friend is coming to see me this week. She’ll arrive tomorrow night with her husband and son. The boys will go skiing and Gail and I will sit here, sipping tea and just talk non-stop.

We will also go to my favorite restaurant Canoe! I’m excited about this because now that I have gone out to eat there and I’ve found many things on their menu that I can eat, and stay on my diet, I am anxious to go back.

Now more big news!

Greta is in heat. It started this morning, slowly, and so if all goes well puppies will arrive in early June and be ready for their new homes later in the summer!!! I am so excited about this, even if Greta isn’t.

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One thing is for sure though, Greta loves her little pants! I swear that she is strutting her stuff like a runway model! Look out Gisela Bündchen! Greta Garbo is walking the catwalk now!

In A Flash

It’s entirely possible to view ones life in a day. You can see it flash before your very eyes if….you have a mother like mine, who tossed pictures in boxes and let them sit for 50 years! Today, my sister and I spent the entire day going through these boxes (and we know there are even more!) watching our lives unfold.

I was a cute enough kid growing up. I went from blond curls, to a pixie cut by the time I was 5. After that my hair grew in full and thick, but gone were the baby curls that my mother had so carelessly cut off. (I have never quite forgiver her for that!)

There were the pictures of me with my High School boyfriend, who became my first husband and the father of my two daughters. There were the pictures of me as I carried my two children through pregnancy. (I felt like no one had been as big as I was!) There were the pictures of me holding my babies for the fist time.

And there I was at the baptisms of my children… So small so sweet…that time flew by, too fast.

Then there I was with my current Hubby. The first few time I brought him to meet my parents and then the early years of our married life. Sharing the looks that only newly married couples share. Something so intimate and knowing.

Yes, my sister and I shared today. We watched our lives flash before our eyes. We watched our children grow, the birth of her grandchildren and the constant renewal of life.

In a flash…..


The puppies had their first year Vet visit today. They were weighed (Arnie was 18.8 pounds and Anneliese was 16.2 pounds), examined and given all their shots. They were exceptionally good pups, until a teacup poodle and his owner entered the clinic and then they began to bark like two wild maniacs! The old man looked down his nose at them, and then glared at me and said, “I think you need the Dog Whisperer!”

The funny thing is, had he just put the dog down, my two would have played with it and all would have been fine. In any case, I felt firmly chastised for being the owner of these two little, wild, beasts! LOL!

Next week is Greta’s appointment for her shots, and then in April Fritz will go have his teeth cleaned and get all his shots done.

I stopped at the New Hampshire Crafts Shop to visit my friend, with both puppies, as well as the Post Office. The pups loved this, and everyone was pleased to see them too.

It actually became sunny and a bit warm (40 degrees F) by noon. Emily had a half day of school, so once she was here, we had lunch and after that we went out to play with the dogs.

Hubby worked on the path around the house again today, blowing the snow back down to a passable pathway. Then we came in and Emily and I did some computer work together, looked at magazines and chatted until it was time for her to go home.

All in all, a very nice day!

She’s Back!

Emily arrived home after a week in sunny/rainy Florida. She came over after lunch and told me all about her trip, showed me pictures and the things that she had gotten while shopping on her trip. She said she hadn’t gotten any sun, but I could see where the sun had kissed her cheeks while she was away.

Emily on the left and Jacqui on the right
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Of course she arrived just before our latest storm. We got another 8 inches of snow last night, which means that our yard is now officially buried beyond anything that I have ever seen in my life. In fact they say we have had well over 100 inches of snow, and they do believe we will break the all time record for snow in New Hampshire this year.

I was going to take some pictures today, but when I went out with my model, Arnie, he jumped up on top of the snow and headed across our yard and into the yard of our neighbors, disappearing from my sight. I wasn’t in my boots so I had to run back in the house before attempting to slog my way through 4 1/2 feet of snow to retrieve him. By the time I got back out the little turkey had burrowed back through the snow and was standing there wagging his tail at me!

Hubby spent the entire day blowing snow and he fell asleep right after dinner in his chair. All I can say is, come on, Mother Nature, give us a break!

Kids and Dogs

Have I mentioned that we have new neighbors? Neighbors with twin six year old daughters. Sarah and Kimmy. They have found us and the dogs, and we see them almost every day. They were over bright and early today and brought along their friend, Jacob. I pulled up the stools to the breakfast bar and they all sat coloring and I thought this would make a good picture.

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Jacob, Sarah and Kimmy

I love the fact that the neighborhood kids all feel comfortable coming here. The only thing is I need to buy some more art supplies. Crayons, coloring books and some activity books. I want to have things to keep the younger ones busy. Perhaps some reading books as well.

Hubby and I were standing in the kitchen after the kids left today and he looked over at me and said, “You are really a kid magnet”.

I guess he is right. I love the fact that they come, and I know that here they are safe.


My back is better, and I am finally able to sleep at night. Yay!!! I was starting to think that something drastic would need to be done, but it looks like resting it is doing the trick.

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That wraps things up from cold, snowy, icy and rainy New Hampshire. Have a good week everyone!

Dackels Rule!

Yesterday our phone rang. It was a call from the UPS man, who had stopped his truck at the top of our driveway. He had a package for us, but was reluctant to drive the 500 feet down hill on what could turn out to be an icy road. (Truly, in the winter, the driveway can be very tricky!)

So Hubby went up the hill in our Jeep and got the box. It was addressed to me. And as I opened it I saw that it was a “Pajama-Gram”!

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There was a neat round container made of sheer material and inside were the cutest pair of pajama’s and a lavender scented sachet and a “Chillin'” sign for my door, as well as a card from my cousin Janet. What a sweet cousin!

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The shirt was embroidered with “Dackels Rule” which makes me love them even more!


In other news, I wanted to thank you all for your encouragement and good wishes for my healthy eating plan. You are all the best! I feel so much better and so much stronger about this whole weight loss program and I KNOW I can do it!

Now, I am counting down the hours until Super Bowl XLII when my beloved Patriots will take on The New York Giants!

Go Patriots!!!

My Friend

I wanted to share with the you all the obituary of our friend, Miller Hays. He was quite a man. Hubby leaves in the morning to attend the services and to be a Pall Bearer. Sadly, I cannot go this time, but I know in my heart that Miller knew how I felt about him.

hi-res passport Miller Hays 2

Miller back when he was a Captain on the 747 for Pan Am.

Miller B. Hays of Kerrville, Texas—airline pilot and world traveler—passed away on January 19, 2008, after a brief illness. Mr. Hays was born in Golden, Colorado on May 15, 1918 to Sarah Bevan Hays and Leon Percival Hays. During his school years, the family moved to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, where Miller attended Classen High School and Oklahoma City University, as well as Central State Teachers’ College in Edmond, Oklahoma. His lifelong fascination with scientific and mechanical knowledge led him into a career in aviation. During World War II, he was responsible for the training of pilots at a base in Ballenger, Texas.
After the war, he went to work for American Overseas Airways; he was one of the pilots who flew daring missions in the Berlin Airlift during 1948-49. He later served as a pilot for Pan American World Airways for nearly thirty years, rising to the rank of Captain. For many of those years, he lived in West Berlin and flew to various European cities, as well as traveling all over the world. In the final five years of his career, he became a Captain piloting 747s on Pan Am’s international routes. He was known among his colleagues not only for the meticulous precision of his flying skills but also for his generosity in mentoring younger pilots.
After his retirement in 1978, Mr. Hays moved to South Lyndeborough, New Hampshire, where he worked at restoring a grand old house and pursued his hobby of tinkering with cars and machinery. Then, in the late 1990s, he purchased a home adjacent to a small airstrip in Pipe Creek, Texas, where he resided until moving into the Plaza on the River senior living community in Kerrville early in 2007.
In 1943 he married Barbara Le Crick of Britton, Oklahoma; the couple was divorced in 1952. He is survived by two sons: Richard B. Hays of Durham, North Carolina, and Lloyd P. W. Hays of Sewickley, Pennsylvania, and their wives, Judy and Mary; by four grandchildren: Christopher Hays, Sarah Hays, Kate Hays, and David Hays; by one great-grandchild, Madeleine Mei Hays; and by his sister Marguerite Woods of Bull Shoals, Arkansas, as well as by six nieces and nephews.
The funeral service will be held at 10:00 AM on January 29 at Memorial Park Funeral Home and Cemetery, 13313 N. Kelly Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73131. In lieu of flowers donations can be made to the National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, P.O. Box 37012 MRC 321, Washington, DC 20013-7012.

Saturday Scavenger Photo

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Old Fashioned

This is my Grandmother on her wedding day. She and Papa were married for over 60 years and they adored each other. Papa would sit on the sofa either holding Gramdma’s hand or if she had her feet up, he would tenderly massage them. It was a beautiful and old fashioned love!

Happy Anniversary Uschi

(Scroll down for Saturday Scavenger Photo)

My dearest friend and sister in my heart, Uschi and I are celebrating our 7th anniversary of friendship. It isn’t often that you meet someone in life that shares so much with you. Although we are separated by an ocean, we have been there for each other through the good times and the sad times and always, always we give to each other the comfort and support that only best friends can give.
So Happy Anniversary to us, dearest, Uschi!!!