She’s Back!

Emily arrived home after a week in sunny/rainy Florida. She came over after lunch and told me all about her trip, showed me pictures and the things that she had gotten while shopping on her trip. She said she hadn’t gotten any sun, but I could see where the sun had kissed her cheeks while she was away.

Emily on the left and Jacqui on the right
March 1 010

Of course she arrived just before our latest storm. We got another 8 inches of snow last night, which means that our yard is now officially buried beyond anything that I have ever seen in my life. In fact they say we have had well over 100 inches of snow, and they do believe we will break the all time record for snow in New Hampshire this year.

I was going to take some pictures today, but when I went out with my model, Arnie, he jumped up on top of the snow and headed across our yard and into the yard of our neighbors, disappearing from my sight. I wasn’t in my boots so I had to run back in the house before attempting to slog my way through 4 1/2 feet of snow to retrieve him. By the time I got back out the little turkey had burrowed back through the snow and was standing there wagging his tail at me!

Hubby spent the entire day blowing snow and he fell asleep right after dinner in his chair. All I can say is, come on, Mother Nature, give us a break!

3 thoughts on “She’s Back!”

  1. Oh man – that snow is unbelievable. Your hubby most certainly is getting a workout.

    And as for that little scamp Arnie…..soooo cute, even if a wee bit naughty. But it does add to his charm, I think!!


  2. I just converted your inches into cm and almost fell off my chair ! That’s more then a lot ! That must be awful I just imagine myself in there ! I think I have never seen such a lot of snow in my whole life. And here it’s getting more and more green and the bushes are starting to bloom. We had the warmest winter since 18hundred something !

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