When Love Comes To Call

How wonderful the last 24 hours have been! Or as I like to say, how good it is “when love comes to call”!

There are people in our lives that share special places in our hearts and whether we see them every day or every few weeks or even every few years, they are always right there. Special. Loved.

Friday our friends from Hubby’s flying days arrived during their cross country motorcycle trip! They have a beautiful BMW bike and a trailer with a little ventilated compartment for their faithful companion, a Lhasa Apso/poodle mix, Oliver.

They arrived here at 2 PM in their heavy bike clothes. I mention this because we had our first 90 degree day yesterday, and I know they were both cooked through! I brought them inside, gave Oliver a dish of water, and hydrated Tom and Dorene with some flavored water.

We sat in our kitchen with all 5 dogs sniffing each other and getting to know each other (all went well) and talked about life.

Tom and Dorene have known Hubby since 1966 when they were all based in Hong Kong, flying R&R flights for Pan Am. Over the years Tom and Hubby remained friends even sharing apartments near various airports.

When I came onto the scene, many people resented the difference in our ages, but they opened their arms and their hearts to me and a deep friendship was formed. I really adore them.

We have not seen them in a few years now, but it didn’t make a bit of difference. We took right up talking as though we had just seen each other yesterday. Have you ever noticed that it’s like that with some people?

They were so exhausted when they arrived that I told them that they had to stay, so they gladly accepted the invitation and they were our guests last night.

So, where did we go for dinner? Those of you who are regular readers will know that we went to Canoe! It was fabulous, as usual and we talked and ate and talked and ate some more!

When we were done we came home and played with all the dogs until 11 and then we all went to bed.

This morning I got up, made coffee and fresh muffins along with bacon, eggs, fruit and juice for our breakfast, and we helped them to pack up their bike. At 10 we bid them a fond farewell.

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Oliver in his little trailer/crate. Getting ready in the second picture, and lastly, they’re off!


At 12:15 my daughter, Amanda arrived. She brought with her a photo book of pictures she had taken of the puppies when she brought her younger sister up in January. It is the cutest thing.

Then we took off to another local restaurant for lunch. The Common Man restaurant was a delight. Hubby and I had French onion soup, and quiche, and Amanda had a lobster chowder and glazed chicken. Very nice!

We came back home and since there is a neat Craft Fair taking place locally, I thought perhaps this would be a nice opportunity to walk the puppies in a crowd and to spend some alone time with Mandy. I was right on both counts.

Mandy and I wandered around the fair, enjoying the breezy spring day and introducing the puppies to the world. Arnie was fine. He was friendly and warm and happy the entire time. He is such an amazing animal. When I think I might not have kept him….

Anneliese was a little more timid. The noises and the other animals made her just a little nervous at first. I assured her that all was fine and encouraged her to keep exploring. By the end of the walk she was doing much better.

So when my cousin Janet comes up on Monday we will take the pups over to the Craft Fair again for another walk. I just hope that the weather will remain sunny, warm and dry.

I really enjoy spending time with Mandy. I look at her and I see a truly amazing woman. I’m so proud to be her mother.

We came back to the house and sat outside watching the dogs play and Emily came by. She will come over tomorrow and help us plant the garden.

Mandy had to leave then and get back to her home. Maybe next time we get together we can go on a shopping spree! It’s been a while since we’ve done that.

Now I just have to make a little supper for Hubby.

Yes, at the end of a day, “when love has come to call”, you feel happy and warm and well loved!

The Puppy Nanny

Saturday saw Hubby and I off for the day…alone. The “Puppy Nanny”, also known as Emily, came over and puppy sat for us. I can’t begin to tell you how much this was appreciated. We could actually go off and not worry about how long we were gone, and worry about the small bladders of both big and little doggies!

April 26 002

All four dogs just love Emily and she loves them too. The puppies, of course, have known her from day one and so she is very special to them. When she arrives at our house they run to greet her and they can hardly wait to snuggle down with her.

April 23 003

So, while the “Puppy Nanny” was here we shopped. We bought ourselves a new set a stainless flatware. Woo-hoo! The set we have used since we got married was Hubby’s before and is probably 30-35 years old. It was simply not doing well and yes, it even showed some signs of rusting. The set we got was a Henckel’s set and we like it very much. The pattern is called Provence.

I also got two blouses in patterns.

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Now this is probably a bigger miracle than us actually spending money on buying a new set of flatware. You see I am the original plain color dresser. I don’t like patterns and I tend to dress in plain blues or whites or blacks. I know, not original, but I simply worry about dressing too loud. Oh dear, someone might notice me! After these purchases I feel like I am living on the edge!

We also went to our favorite German Deli and loaded up on all sorts of yummy German foods. Our favorite being a Hungarian Gypsy Wurst and Tilsiter cheese. Amanda had given Hubby a gift certificate for Christmas, but since we don’t get down that way too often (It is 70 miles from here), this was our first chance to use it. We used the whole thing!

Emily called us to report on the puppies and Greta, who was quite depressed at our departure, and we called her to let her know when we would be home. Upon our return we were greeted by all the pups in a wild frenzy that assured us that we had, in fact, been missed.

A Happy Home Recipe

Title: A Happy Home Recipe
Yield: 1


4 cups of love
April 12 006
2 cups of loyalty
3 cups Forgiveness
1 cup Friendship

April 12 009
5 Spoons of hope
2 Spoons of tenderness
April 6 024
4 quarts of faith
1 Barrel of laughter
April 12 010

Take love and loyalty, mix them throughly with Faith. Blend it with
tenderness, kindness and understanding. Add friendship and hope,
sprinkle abundantly with laughter. Bake it with sunshine. Serve
daily with generous helpings

Saturday Stuff

Hubby is down and out with a bad cough. It started in the night and was so bad and hard it woke me out of a sound sleep. I got up and gave Hubby some cough syrup and told Hubby the guest room bed was made up. (hint, hint!) So off he went to the guest room where is is currently residing. I simply must have my sleep, seeing as I am a new puppy mother and all.

The day began a few hours later, when the sun rose and I surveyed the 10 inches of snow that had fallen overnight. While still in my pajamas, I slipped on my boots, hat, coat and gloves and got the two puppies and off we went for our first morning walk. The snow was up over their little bodies and they were not quite sure they liked this at all, but off we went in the yard. The next thing I knew the dog from next door came running over and went for Arnie. I smacked at the dog, and grabbed both Arnie and Anneliese and picked them up. Since the other dog was not on a leash (Arnie and Anneliese were) I had no choice but to turn around and take them in.

The rest of the day I was able to get them out on their little leashes and they did pretty well. Hubby got out and used the snow blower to clear a path for the puppies and the drive, but once he came in I put him right back to bed.

We enjoyed a traditional St. Patrick’s Day meal, and now I simply want to relax and watch a bunch of mindless television, which is not hard to do on a Saturday night.

Don’t forget to stop over at Mrs Lifecruiser’s site for updates on the First Cybercruise!

She’s The One

Well, here she is, my Valentine!
Feb. 13 010

As you can see she has an incredibly sweet face. Also noticeable, is the fact that while the other puppies are all ignoring me, she has looked up to see me standing there.

She is the first one at the gate, always. She will fuss and whine until she is in my arms and then settle down, and she has started to get to know Fritz and he actually came over to her today, while she was sitting in my lap, and sniffed her. I can see he is starting to get interested in her.

She has stolen my heart and I can see her making a place for herself in our house. Now, we need to find a good home for Anita, and I will be happy.

All my puppies are good babies, but somehow, Anneliese has chosen us and I can’t help but think that this is a very good thing.

Bloggers Reunion!

Today My cousin Janet, my dear friend Megan, brought a special guest Heather, to our home. Along with Hubby and Emily, we’d been planning this for a few weeks, and it worked out so well, as the puppies are just at a great age to entertain us all for hours.

This was the first time I’d met Heather in person, although I have been reading her blog for a couple of years. I felt like I knew her so well. In fact, she was just as wonderful as I knew she would be and fit in here, at puppy central quite well.

I made a bunch of appetizers and Janet brought some too, and Megan brought the most devilishly delightful Whoopee Pies for dessert!

My only complaint is that the time flew and before we knew it, the gals had to go. We had snow here most of the day, light snow, but enough to make the roads slippery. As sad as I was to see them go, I knew it was wise to get going before dark.

Here is a short video, of the girls as they took pictures of the pups. I teased them that they were the “Puppy Paparazzi”!


In other news, today the pups are 5 weeks old. They are no longer walking around. No, now they are running. I’ll try to get some more video of them doing just that later this week, but I put together some pictures that Megan, Emily and I took. I hope you enjoy this little Montage.

Happy Birthday Gail

Today is the birthday of my oldest friend. We have known each other since we were 13 years old. I will not elaborate on how many years that is as it would simply be rude to do so. (LOL) So my dear I honor you today with these wonderful lyrics, because over the years we have lived through it all and remained each others constant friend. Now how good is that?

I’ll Be There for You

So, no one told you life was gonna be this way.
Your Job’s a joke, you’re broke, your love life’s D.O.A.
It’s like you’re always stuck in second gear.
And it hasn’t been your day, your week, your month, or even your year.
But –

I’ll be there for you … when the rain starts to fall.
I’ll be there for you … like I’ve been there before.
I’ll be there for you … cause you’re there for me, too.

You’re still in bed at ten and work began at eight.
You’ve burned your breakfast, so far everything is great.
Your mother warned you there’d be days like these.
But she didn’t tell you when the world has brought you down to your knees.
That –

I’ll be there for you … when the rain starts to fall.
I’ll be there for you … like I’ve been there before.
I’ll be there for you … cause you’re there for me, too.

Going To Visit The Family

I awoke to gray drizzly weather in New Hampshire. Dreading the ride south to my sister’s in such conditions, I made coffee, showered, dressed and left home at 7:30 AM. I’m a “Granny Driver” and I estimated it would take me more than my usual 4 hours to get there.

No sooner hd I hit the highway then I was faced with snow! Great. The snow turned to ice and then to rain, heavy rain. I wasn’t a happy girl.

I’ve never really liked to drive. I hate traffic of any kind, but most especially tucks. So, I live in the country where I don’t see much in the way of heavy truck traffic, but I love my sister so I was determined to make the trek.

By the time I got to the New Hampshire/Massachusetts border, the precipitation had stopped and it was just cloudy. Cloudy I can deal with. I drove on, through endless “road work” areas, and eventually hit Connecticut. I drove by Pam’s mother’s town and I waved! (I did this for you Pam!)

Then I arrived at my sister’s house a mere 3 hours and 45 minutes after I left my home! This is a personal best, time wise.

We picked up my grandnephew, Luke from pre-school and took him out to a kids play place that also served really good pizza. My nearly 4 year old grandnephew snarfed down 4 slices of the pizza! Trust me, we were amazed! The kid is just not that big! We had a grand time with him though and I enjoyed every moment of it.


Then we were off to meet up with my old grandnephew as he got out of school. Taft is in first grade. He was so happy to see his Auntie Em, and brought me in to meet his teacher, show me his locker and his classroom.

My goodness how the kids have grown, and how fast the year has gone since I have seen them.

Happy Birthday Uschi

Today is my dearest friend & sister, Uschi’s birthday. So I want to salute her and wish her the happiest birthday, and many, many more!

Thank You For Being A Friend
( by: Andrew Gold )

Thank you for being a friend
Traveled down a road and back again
Your heart is true, you’re a pal and a confidant
maribeth anda uschi
I’m not ashamed to say
I hope it always will stay this way
My hat is off, won’t you stand up and take a bow

And if you threw a party
Invited everyone you knew
You would see the biggest gift would be from me
And the card attached would say
Thank you for being a friend

If it’s a car you lack
I’d surely buy you a Cadillac
Whatever you need any time of the day or night
The One About Food

I’m not ashamed to say
I hope it always will stay this way
My hat is off, won’t you stand up and take a bow

And when we both get older
With walking canes and hair of gray
Have no fear even though it’s hard to hear
I will stand real close and say
Thank you for being a friend
And when we die
And float away
Into the night
The milky way
You’ll hear me call
As we ascend
I’ll say your name
Then once again

Thank you for being a friend