Music & Dancing

On Saturday I went to watch Savannah at her music lesson. It is so much fun to see parents and children sitting around, singing children’s songs, and the older kids, like Savannah, who have been coming for a while, get right up there and dance.

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Savannah has a dress she loves, as she can twirl around and the skirt looks so pretty. Sadly, she is outgrowing it. We’ll have to look for another, or something close for her.

As I watched, my heart filled up with love and happiness. I look at my daughter, Mandy and Savannah and realize over and over, how truly blessed I am.

Savi and Mom

Mother’s Day Recap

Today was such a wonderful Mother’s Day. We drove down to Mandy and Matt’s house, and Matt’s parents, Mandy’s grandmother, Grammie Alice, my former husband, Bob and Jack and I all celebrated.
All day long Bob and I played with our granddaughter. We played dress up, and wiffle ball, we dug in the dirt, watched ants outside and we chased after her. At one point Bob asked Savi if she wanted to play a game with him and grandma and Savi got all in a huff! She said, “No Bob, her name is Oma!” We both threw our heads back and laughed.

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Savannah’s long curls.


An accidental natural light picture. I love it though.

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Smiling Savannah.

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My beautiful daughter, Mandy and her sweet daughter, Savannah.

What a lovely day it was. Mandy and Matt worked so hard to make it a very special Mother’s Day!

The Royal Baby Girl

I woke this morning to the news that Prince William and Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, have safely delivered a healthy baby girl! How wonderful for them and for England.

From the moment that it was announced that Kate was expecting, I just knew that it was a girl. Now we must wait to learn her name. I hope that they give her a beautiful, original name.

Looking back, I recall how wonderful it was when I gave birth to my daughter, Amanda. Back then we did not know before hand what the baby would be, but I had a good idea it was a girl. Call me clairvoyant, but I was just certain.

Then she came flying out, after just 8 hours of labor, and when they laid her on my abdomen and I saw her face, I felt like I had known her all my life and that I had loved her for all eternity.

I guess the thing is, for me, as soon as I knew I was pregnant, I loved that little baby growing inside me. And seeing her and holding her, cemented those feeling for a lifetime.


Now my daughter, has her daughter, Savannah, and the love that I have for my granddaughter is so deep. I never knew it could be like this! As Savannah grows and becomes her own little person, I find I am totally filled with love.



TBT: Mandy

Today’s TBT subject is my daughter Mandy. The first picture was taken when she was about 3 years old. She is holding a cat that was named Sally Penny.

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I look at her little face and I can see how much Savannah looks like her Mommy!

The next picture was taken when Mandy was the flower girl at our friends wedding. She was so adorable all dressed up, with flowers in her hair, and her hair set into curls that day. I think she was almost 5 then.

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Happy Birthday, Mandy!

Today is my daughter, Mandy’s birthday. The day she was born was so magical for her father and me. We were amazed that our love had made one so small, so perfect, so amazing. Now all these years later, sharing her life, watching her as a mother, I am even more amazed at my beautiful daughter. If I wasn’t her mother, I would still want to be her friend.

Happy Birthday, Sweetheart!

Our Christmas!

We got up and we let the dogs have their toy gifts. They were so happy with their chew toys and their balls.
I made bacon, eggs and German Stollen with coffee and juice. Then we cleaned up, and dressed and got ready for our day with Mandy, Matt and Savannah.
We arrived a little early, about 1:30, and my former husband and his family were still there. It was so nice to see them all.
Hubby brought the wrapped car to the house first thing and brought it into the living room and Savannah immediately opened it and squealed with delight! She immediately jumped into it and had to get rides!

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Savannah and car 1

We opened presents and I was so happy that somehow Savannah found this Oma Mug for me!

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Mandy and I worked on appetizers and snacks, and then eventually dinner. Matt cooked Cowboy steaks for himself and Hubby (they are very tender rib eye steaks with the bone still on.) It was so tender and delicious! Amanda made jumbo shrimp for the two of us. Then we had mashed potatoes, mashed butternut squash and green beans. For dessert, my apple crisp with vanilla ice cream.

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I snuggled with Savannah as the day wore on. There is nothing better in the entire world, then when your grandchild is in your arms!

We had coffee and then left there about 7:30. We drove home and all was well. The dogs were happy to see us and after we let them out and they played, they came in and at about 10:30 I went to bed. I felt so tired.

I must tell you this is one of the very best Christmas’ I have had ever!

I hope you all had a wonderful one too!

Girls Day

Friday I spent the day with my girls. It’s so much fun to see how much Savannah changes each time I see her. She is talking a lot more and at one point when I was helping her eat, I asked her if she was ready (for the next spoonful) and she looked right at me and said “Yes!”

I’m also thrilled because she is starting to know that my name is “Oma”! And she seems to enjoy saying it. She also loved the words, “Dadda”, “Mama”, “Nana”, and “No”. She cracks me up as she laughs a lot!

We listened to Michael Buble’s Christmas CD and danced with wild abandon! Then we looked at Mikhail Baryshnikov dancing in “The Nutcracker”. Savannah loved that too, and tried like anything to dance like the ballerinas!

We did a little birthday shopping at Macy’s. They were having great sales and I bought my girl (Mandy) some pretty new things! I totally love the new sweaters she got!

I managed to get back home shortly after sunset fed the dogs and I even made Hubby dinner! What a wife I am!

I hope today we can go out and finish our Christmas shopping. We’re due for an ice storm tonight and tomorrow and I want to get it all done today.

Visiting My Girls

On Friday I went down to see Mandy and Savannah. It was a cold and clear day when I left, and when I arrived I had a nice breakfast with the girls before we headed over to the Outlet Mall near Mandy’s home.

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The only problem I have with Outlet Malls is that they are outdoors. So one must dress for the cold weather, but also be prepared to remove the clothes once you’re inside and heating up fast!

Savannah got irritated. She wasn’t having the transitions well, and being trapped in the stroller was really making her cranky. We took turns walking her and running after her, but that makes shopping tough.

Eventually we gave up and stopped for take out food before going back to Mandy’s house.

We had lunch, gave Savannah a bath (which she just loved!)

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and then once we got Savannah down for her nap, we sat talking. (That is macaroni & cheese on her nose and squash soup on her temple!)

I drove home mid afternoon, and the weather was wild! First sunshine, then rain, then sleet, then snow! It was amazing. I just took my time, stopping for gas ($3.13 a gallon!) and some groceries.

By the time I pulled in, it was just getting dark outside, and I was glad to be back. So were Hubby and the dogs, as I made dinner for them all.