New Years Eve

It’s New Years Eve and I’m thinking of the year that has passed and the year ahead. It’s funny how quickly 2005 went. For a while last summer I felt like the year was going to go on and on, but with the blink of an eye, here we are, the last day of the year.
Many wonderful things happened this year. At the top of the list is the deepening love and friendship that I am enjoying with my daughter. It is just so much fun to be part of her “grown up” world!
My husband is a wonder too. I’m not sure how he puts up with me, but somehow he does and we have a blast together! Life is good and we are blessed.
It’s wonderful to watch my grandnephews and grandniece grow. This year I feel really close to my family, especially my sister and cousin, Janet. Thank you Verizon for the ability to keep in touch for free with these two and my daughter as well.
I am thankful also for the many wonderful friends I have both close to home and around the world. They make my days special in their own ways. Thank you!
On a very personal and selfish level, the return of my health has been quite a gift. My eye is healed and well, my medications are finally balanced and I am feeling happy and healthy. A great way to end 2005 and begin 2006!
I’ve met so many wonderful Bloggers this year, and I really enjoy reading their words as well as writing my own to share. Sometimes serious, sometimes funny, but every day as we learn more and more about each other, we can see the humor in life, and the wonder, despite the pain that it sometimes brings.

I lost my beloved Aunt this year, and the sadness I feel is still very raw. She was such a big and good part of my life and I will miss her as long as I live.

All My Life
By the Beatles

There are places I’ll remember
All my life though some have changed
Some forever not for better
Some have gone and some remain
All these places have their moments
With lovers and friends I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life I’ve loved them all

But of all these friends and lovers
There is no one compares with you
And these memories lose their meaning
When I think of love as something new
Though I know I’ll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I’ll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more

Though I know I’ll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I’ll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more
In my life I love you more

Great News

I saw Dr. C. yesterday, my Retinologist. He was pleased with my eye and pronounced it fit and empty of all the bad post-operative debris. I knew it was, and I expected this good report, but it was still nice to hear him say the words.
In an ironic twist, yesterday was the third anniversary of my retinal detachment. I remember it so well.
I was chatting on the computer with my friend Uschi in Germany when all of a sudden a curtain dropped on the vision in my left eye! I didn’t quite know what to do. Uschi told me to call my eye doctor, and I did. While I waited for a return call, Uschi and I chatted about what it could be. I suspected a detachment, but kept talking myself out of it. It was nothing, just some strange minor glitch.
They called me back and said I was to come to the hospital immediately. The hospital is 55 miles away. Hubby was in Southern New Hampshire that day on business, my neighbors were gone and after talking to Hubby on the cell phone we decided it was best for me to drive, so I got in my Jeep and headed to the hospital. I did rather well with the drive, until I got to the highway. Then merging onto the road, I felt off balance because I had no vision in the left eye.
My eye doctor examined the eye and brought me by the hand to Dr. C.’s office. We were introduced, he examined my eye and pronounced he needed to operate immediately. He scurried off, leaving me there with my mouth hanging open.
When he returned he told me that he had his A surgical team on standby and he would operate in about an hour, or as soon as he could get me prepped.
I remember asking him what would happen if I didn’t have the surgery? “Simple”, he said, “You’ll stay blind in that eye.”
Okay, so that was probably the easiest decision I have made in the last 20 years.
I was brought down to the pre-operative area, changed out of my clothes, given a cursory physical and got the IV put in.
A nurse came in and told me that they really hated to operate on someone without having their next of kin there, or at least have them know.
I hadn’t been able to reach Hubby since I got to the hospital, so I called my sister, Mel and told her what was going on. I was being so brave right up until I heard her voice, but then I just lost it! She promised to keep trying Hubby’s cell phone to alert him to the fact that they were operating immediately, and we said good-bye.
As they wheeled me into the operating room I remember looking up and asking Dr. C. “When can I go skiing again?” He sort of laughed and then I felt so relaxed that I couldn’t have cared if I never skied again!
I remember the voices during the surgery. I remember Dr. C. telling me to be still and to let them know if I felt anything. I remember the kindness of the Anesthesiologist who held my hand as he kept me on the edge of consciousness. I had no idea that the surgery had lasted three hours.
Hubby arrived during the surgery, and he spoke to Dr. C. after it was over. I saw him when I got to the recovery room, but they wanted to keep me overnight, so he went home and I went to the only free bed they had in the hospital, in “The Pediatric Ward“!
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In the hospital after surgery.
I went home the next day,
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but the recovery was long and uncomfortable with 4 additional surgeries to clear debris from the eye. But I have my vision and so it has been worth all that I have gone through. Being able to see, is truly a great gift.

How I met Hubby # 2

Many years ago when Mandy was 6, and Katie was 4, my ex-husband and I took the girls to a pizza place for kids called, “Chuck E Cheeses“. They had this play area for the kids, pizza and beer for the adults. While my ex and I were finishing up the pizza, the girls went off to play on the equipment. A while later they came back to the table and had a little blonde girl with them. Her name was Jessica and she was 4 1/2. But Jessica was very grown up and quite precocious! She wanted to exchange phone numbers so the kids could have play dates. We knew where she lived, as her parents had a local apple orchard where we’d actually gone to pick apples and get cider. (They had the best cider!) I went over and met Jessica’s mother, we exchanged phone numbers and as promised, a few days later Jessica came to our house to play.
The kids had a few more play dates. Mostly it was Mandy that went to Jessica’s. Jess, really was older for her age and got along better with Mandy. But when they were all with me, the three played very well.
One snowy day, shortly after that, I got a call. Jessica’s father was taking her to The Boston Museum of Science and could Mandy go? It was snowing and I was a little nervous about that. I asked to speak to Jess’s father. He assured me that the snow was due to stop and he was fine to drive the kids. I decided that it was okay.
A while later a car drove up to our place and Jessica and a very tall man ( 6 feet 4 inches!) got out and came to our door. He was blonde too and it wasn’t difficult to see who Jessica looked like. She was the spitting image of her Dad. He smiled and I guess I must have smiled too. He seemed very nice. Mandy got her coat on and I watched from the door as they drove off in the snow.
Hubby recalls, that I was tall, (I’m 5 feet 8 inches) and thin, (at 24 I weighed about 115! Man those days are long gone!) and my waist length hair was a pretty, natural light brown. He said I looked like a hippy, which back when I was 24 was probably true.
So, we were both married to other people. Had no interest in each other, except our kids, and from that we grew to know each other as friends.
It’s funny how when you look back and think about the very first time you met someone, the one person that you will eventually find is your soul mate, you can have absolutely no idea. Hubby and I didn’t “fall in love” for many years after that. But, that is another story.

A Good Doc

Yesterday I went and had some blood work done at the local hospital. It was to monitor medication I have to take all the time, but which lately has been causing me a few problems. About 1:30 my phone rang and it was my doctor.
“Hi, Maribeth. Are you okay?”
Basically, my blood levels were too high and he had called out of his concern. I was so pleased. How many people have doctors that actually do that? I have an appointment to see him tomorrow anyway. I figured we would just go over the results then. However, as soon as he saw the results, he called.
So I feel pretty lucky to have this guy for my doctor. I know that he really does care about me as a person. That’s a nice feeling.
And for inquiring minds, I wasn’t feeling too good. The side effects from that drug have been making me feel pretty darn sick lately. So a decrease in the medication is a most welcome thing.