
I wish I was tough. But I’m not. I’m one of those people who has trouble saying BOO. I hate emotional chaos and I try like anything to live my life in harmony. So today when I found another contractor who is working on the new housing in our neighborhood driving his big truck down our private drive and once again driving over our already damaged drainage system, I sort of lost it. This is a long running problem.
I followed the guy!
Then I jumped out of my car and screamed at him, telling him he had driven on private property! And you know what he said?? Do you know???
“I got permission from the owner!”
Well folks, I don’t pop my cork often, but I did today.
“Who the F… do you think I am?” I screamed!
I told him if he used the drive again I would call the police and have him arrested for trespass. Then I gathered myself up and stalked to my car!
I got in and drove off…and my entire body shook.
I am such a wimp!

This & That

I woke up this morning a little later than usual. The dogs actually seem to be adjusting to the time change! Anyway, I opened our bedroom door and was hit with a wave of heat! Our thermostat for the familyroom zone was stuck on again, (after $185.00 repair a week ago) and it was nearly 80 degrees! I opened the bedroom door and told Hubby to get up and fix it! He got up, swearing and reset the system. I made the coffee and our day began.

Last night we went out to our neighbor’s for a dinner to celebrate the visit of our friend, Tina from Istanbul, Turkey where she is teaching. She is back for just a few days and so we heard all about her adventures in this strange and foreign place. I’ve been to Istanbul a couple of times, so I was anxious to hear what she had to say and how she liked it.

Continue reading “This & That”

Indian Summer and Stuff

It’s a beautiful day here in New Hampshire. Bright skies, warm temperatures and brown and gold leaves. Not bad for November 1st. Indian Summer!
Many people have disparaged the month of November, saying it is a cold, wet, and dismal month. I have often found that the opposite is true. November can be filled with bright clear weather, low humidity, warm days and cool nights. In my book that is nearly perfect weather.
November is also special because of the many people I love that were born in November. As the month progresses, I will share with you all, their birthdays.

Continue reading “Indian Summer and Stuff”


The day started early, (due to Standard Time and the dogs waking me up). Since I was up and showered and dressed, I decided to get my shopping done early. I was half way through the store when I felt like I was going to keel over! My head was splitting and I felt faint. I also felt really chilled, which was funny because it was 60 degrees outside!
So, once I paid for the groceries, I headed home. I glanced down and noticed that the car was nearly empty of gas, so I pulled into the cheapo gas station to fill up. (Imagine thinking that $2.40 a gallon is cheap!) Anyway, I pulled up on the wrong side of the pumps and I had to pull the car around and do it all over again. I felt like a moron. But I was just feeling so out of it.
I got home, put all the groceries away and sat down and took my temperature. 100′!!!
I called Hubby and he told me the adjuster was coming today from the insurance agency, and so I should be ready. Well, this guy has not shown up or called. I have been here all day and no adjuster.
That’s okay, I have enjoyed the quiet.
I sat and mindlessly watched “All My Children”. And as I sat here I couldn’t help but think that sometimes people can be so dumb!
It’s 4:30 and getting dark. Oh it’s that time of the year!
I wonder how many kids will come to our house Trick or Treating? Usually we don’t get any because of our long, long driveway. I got some candy anyway. M&M’s I hope we get a few! If not I will suffer and nibble away at the little packets of goodies over time. (like 2 days!) LOL

I Hate Standard Time

I am going on record. I hate Standard Time! I’ve heard all the happy Pollyanna news people talking about how we all get an extra hour of sleep and how wonderful this is, and I say BAH! The dogs know it is 7:30 even if the darn clock says 6:30! And they want to get up and go out! It doesn’t matter that I kept them up until 11 PM last night watching the Desperate Housewives rerun on ABC, their internal clock said it was time to get up and that was that!
It will also get dark tonight EARLY! I hate that too! Soon the days will shorten and it will be dark, dark, dark. I say, BAH!
Oh well, it gives me something to look forward to…SPRING…and Daylight Savings Time!


I’m trying very hard not to be upset. I’m breathing in and out and trying to stay removed. Darn it. Why am I an emotional sort of person? Why do I let things that are not in my control, bother me so much?

Our Old Boy is still with us. We’re trying to get him to get his affairs in order, but every time we get close, he throws a monkey wrench in to stop any progress we might have made. Hubby has been working like an animal clearing out the trash in an old house getting it ready for sale. He’s driven Old Boy all over New England, helped get his finances in order so that his checks don’t bounce. Is Old Boy appreciative? Or even co-operative? Nope!

Continue reading “Emotions”

Hubby is a Star

While I was suffering standing in line waiting for my flu shot yesterday, I called Hubby to complain. He, of course, smelled a story, and came down to the pharmacy and snapped pictures of the “event” and sent them to our states largest newspaper, with an e-mail and then followed it up with a phone call.
A reporter called him back and they spoke at length last night about the fact that the state has allowed a private company to come into New Hampshire to give flu shots, and will not be providing flu shots to their public agencies until later this year. Quite the scandal!
In any case, I got up this morning and went down to get the paper and what is on the front page of the paper?
Oct 27 006.jpg
with a credit for the picture to my very own Hubby!!!
I can be seen waiting for my flu shot in the bright yellow shirt. One thing I should tell you, is that although it doesn’t look too crowded, there were people down the isles in the store and in fact there were close to 100 of us just standing there waiting.
So now that he has had a front page picture printed, there will be no living with him, I’m sure. But I am proud of him because when he sees something he thinks is wrong he goes right after it.
Here’s to you, Honey!!!

Flu Shots

My entire day was taken up trying to get a flu shot. The flu shot clinic was supposed to start at 10 AM. I decided to get there early because I didn’t want to spend the entire day in line. When I got there at 9:25 I got a number, 63! It was then that they told me that they were only giving out 100 shots!!! Soon all the tickets were gone and the store was full with people waiting for their shots.
The nurses didn’t arrive, and didn’t arrive and at 10:20 a woman called to find out where the nurses were to give the shots. Oh, they were lost! But would be there soon. Then we waited and again someone called and now the Supervisor of the program said she would come and bring the supplies herself, but it would take an hour, so we all waited some more.
I was with a group of women, old and young, and we talked and talked and we all got tired of all the waiting. But it was nice to talk to these women.
Still we waited and no one came to do the shots. I nearly left, but by this time I had waited so long I hated to leave without the shot! So I waited and waited and finally after waiting three and 1/2 hours the nurses came .
They were not terribly nice, and as I was back a ways in the line I was watching and noticed that they weren’t using gloves!!! That freaked me out and I stood there thinking maybe I should just walk out and not get the stupid shot. I spoke to the woman next to me and we decided to demand they wear gloves when they did our shots. We got a rather sharp look, but they put on the gloves and gave us the shots.
Never have I had to pay $25.00 for such a long and terrible time!!!


What is “stress”? I went to the dictionary and found that the 6th definition probably describes what is happening to cause my current stomach ailments.


1. A mentally or emotionally disruptive or upsetting condition occurring in response to adverse external influences and capable of affecting physical health, usually characterized by increased heart rate, a rise in blood pressure, muscular tension, irritability, and depression.
2. A stimulus or circumstance causing such a condition.

Okay, so if the “stress” level in my life has chosen to hit me above the belt, then I guess it’s time for me to “de-stress” myself and start to heal the stomach which has been torn up by the “stress” with excessive acid. It means taking control of my emotions, (not something I have always been good at). It means changing my diet to facilitate the healing in my stomach so the pain goes away and I feel all better.

Part of the “stress” I can do absolutely nothing about. The underlying problem only affects me in the long term. So, I have to simply take it and toss it out the window and hope to God that it works out in my favor. If it doesn’t, well, we will simply have to deal with that when the time comes.
The other “stress” I also don’t have control over, but I do know that this “stress” will be over soon.
Meanwhile, I plan to keep myself busy. To plan good, bland but nourishing meals and to go and meditate in a closet if it all get’s to be too much.