Off They Go…

We knew it had to happen. One moment the puppies were with us and the next they were off on a grand adventure. Since their earliest days outside, the puppies have stayed close to home. I did not teach them how to go down stairs, only to come up so that perhaps I could delay their excursion into the great unknown a little longer. Today they ventured off. Here is their story.

demon doggies
Picture courtesy of my cousin, Janet

Arnie and Annieliese sat in their crate in the early morning hours. Anneliese snuggled closely to her brother and whispered, “Hey Arnie, today when we go outside with Daddy, let’s see if we can slip off and go exploring.”

“Do you think that’s okay? I mean, we don’t know if there are any scary dogs or people out there.”

“Sure, it’ll be fine” whispered Anneliese, “We’ll have a little walk by ourselves and have some fun.”

“I don’t know sis, but if you go, I’ll follow.”

And he did. About 2:30 while I sat in my chair cruising around the Internet, Hubby came rushing in. “The puppies are gone!!”

Where did they go? Across the driveway. After all the question can be asked “Why did the dachshund cross the road? In this case it was to see what was on the other side!

When Hubby sounded the alarm, I jumped to my feet and raced to the door and we both headed in different directions. I was yelling their names, with promises of treats should they come back to us. We didn’t have to yell too long before the little devils showed up. Anneliese and Arnie both are very fond of food.

Once they were back in the house I gave them each a cookie and scolded them that they are not to wander off like that again.

I little while later I thought I heard Anneliese talking to Arnie.

“Hey Arnie, I’ve just figured out how to get more cookies every day!”

8 thoughts on “Off They Go…”

  1. Hi Mom,
    Howdy from TX! Here for the week on business, and have a few minutes left where I could log on to your site! Just wanted to wish you a nice evening, and a good day tomorrow!
    Love you,

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