Thursday Thirteen #44

Nov 24 015
Thirteen Favorite Summertime Loves

1. Potato Salad. I love the kind made with hard boiled eggs. Yum!
2. Chips. I used to like plain, and then I started liking the Salt & Vinegar. Now I love the Honey Barbecue.
3. Hot-dogs in a roll. Topped with relish and mustard.
4. Hamburgers. Sometimes with cheese, sometimes not. But always with relish and ketchup.
5. My cousin’s mango/black bean salsa. This is a new one to my list, but boy is it good!
6. Barbecued ribs. Cooked slowly on the grill with a nice smooth barbecue sauce.
7. Grilled eggplant. Oh my heaven. What a delicious thing!
8. Fruit salad. You name it fruit wise, toss it in and I am in heaven. (well everything but pineapple. I’m allergic to that)
9. Grilled chicken breasts. Hubby is getting good at cooking those.
10. Marshmallows. Browned lightly over the coals of the fire.
11. Must always use charcoal. I love the flavor.
12. Going swimming when it is 90 degrees F. Then coming back to the house and cooking out.
13. Sharing these days with family and friends.

5 thoughts on “Thursday Thirteen #44”

  1. Ahhhh, isn’t summertime just lovely? too bad you are allergic to pineapple. I love any grilled vegetable.
    Happy tt 🙂

  2. what, not MY potato salad? Hmmmph! 😉

    I got the mango salad from Megan!

    And marshmallows, in my world, must be blackened, better yet, burnt to a crisp!

    I’m with you on charcoal 🙂

  3. I love, love, love potato salad. As far as grilled chicken breasts go–that’s a staple around me since I’m so into the South Beach Diet.

    Are the pups included in the “family” part of #13? hehe

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