A Busy Birthday!

My Birthday seems to have stretched into a nearly one-week long celebration. Not bad really. I think when you get to be over sixty you should enjoy these monumentous events as much as possible.


Of course, I had a great celebration with Mandy and family, but then, on my birthday I got up with Arnie to discover that the boy had something very wrong, which led to a bloody mess on my bed.

At first, I blamed Lili. I thought perhaps she’s played too hard with Arnie and bitten him.


However, after I cleaned Arnie up and actually used the doggy clippers to remove the hair on his back (A small area mid-back) I saw what appeared to be a really bad “hot-spot”.

So I quickly showered and dressed, as I knew I would be driving Arnie out to the Vets. Which I did later in the morning.

Yes, it’s a mean “hot-spot” and he is on meds for that. I also picked up more pain medication for Anneliese to keep her comfortable.

Coming home, I bought the last things for my birthday dinner, which I cooked, and came home.

What did I cook for my dinner? Vidalia Onion Swordfish, Roasted Herbed Potatoes, and Brussell Sprout Saute. Dessert was a Strawberry and Cream Ice Cream Cake served with Champagne. All in all, not a bad meal. Definitely not diet-friendly, but what the heck, it was my birthday.

In 24 hours Arnie’s back is looking better. I think he is feeling better too. Thank goodness.

On Wednesday it was my last meeting with my ladies. It was 22 degrees with a stiff wind and snowing lightly. But we all showed up, wearing multiple layers of clothing, and stayed for nearly an hour. When I left my nose was bright red, and my fingers and toes were frozen! But I wouldn’t have missed this for the world!

So now we are back to reality here. I’m only going out when I have to, and I’m being cautious. Our Covid numbers are climbing and since it is that time of year when colds and flu abound, I figure it’s best to isolate at home.

I have everything to make a nice Thanksgiving dinner for the two of us. And I also will have my favorite thing that evening. A nice warm turkey sandwich.

It’s a strange time right now, around the world. So many people are sheltering in place. Families are divided and kept apart by this virus. Memories are not being made, and it’s just plain not fair.

But such is life. I hope and pray that soon a vaccine can be made and once again we can go about living our lives.

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3 thoughts on “A Busy Birthday!”

  1. You and your dogs, now Arnie.
    I suppose your Thanksgiving Dinner will be wonderful. Do enjoy.
    The figures in your state and other small states are not good. Take care and wear your mask.

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