Some More About Me (From Loup)

Do you like to cook? Very much. I love to make things up.
Have you gone to the Eiffel Tower? No, but saw it from the air. Does that count?
Have you considered plastic surgery? With my luck, No.
What famous people would you choose for your mom and dad? Not sure, um, mythical, maybe Mike & Carol Brady. They were so understanding.
Have you been to your ancestor’s homeland? Yes, England, Germany and Canada.
A delicious dessert: Okay, aside from Cherry Garcia, I love, chocolate cake with butter cream frosting!
Piece of clothing you love to wear: I love my pajamas
Smell that you associate with fond memories: the ocean. Some of my best memories were at the beach.
A non-traditional animal you’d like to keep as a pet: I had a Hawk, when I was a kid, but they made me give it to a Wildlife preserve when it’s wing healed.
Favorite foreign accent: British

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