We sat down this morning with all the stuff the cruise-line sent to us concerning our trip with them to Alaska this fall. I knew we needed to do some paper work, after all, we will cross into and out of Canada and then back again, so we will need customs forms and now because of Homeland Security upgrades passports. Okay, have that.
Then they sent along a 100 + page book that tells all about the different side trips you can take off of the ship. I started reading. Mini cruises, helicopter rides, train rides, coach rides, whale watches…
Oh they all sound so wonderful. How do you chose what you want to do. Actually, it’s quite easy. You decide what you want to see and then you look at the price of the “little side trip”. Then you select the mode most affordable to you.
I think the biggest splurge we will take is a train ride in Scagway. We love railway trips and this one looks to be quite beautiful!
It also “suggests” attire for the cruise. I can see a few days of shopping coming up and a little cash spent on those. I’ve got plenty of “day wear” but no evening wear.
I’m quite excited about this trip. I’ve never done a cruise, never been to Alaska, and never done the let someone else pamper you for 8 days kind of trip. I have to wonder if I can handle this?
Everyone that I know that went on an Alaskan Cruise loved it! Enjoy 🙂