Home From Canada!

We were up early on Sunday, had showers and breakfast and packed up the car. The doggies said goodbye to the Super 8 Motel and off we went back to Digby, Nova Scotia to catch the ferry to St. John, New Brunswick. It was very warm and rainy when we left, but by the time we reached Digby two hours later, the rain had stopped and a thin layer of fog sat out over the water.

We waited in line for the ship and eventually we were loaded on the upper ramp in the ships belly. That was quite interesting. We put the pups in their crate and went up to have lunch in the ships cafeteria. Hubby had stuffed scrod and I had the fisherman’s platter. Yum! All my favorites!

Then we found seats in the lounge and I got to read Harry Potter. The first good read I have had since I left last Wednesday. Oh it is sooooo good and now I am about 100 pages from the end and I am reading very slowly so I can enjoy every bit of this book!

Once we docked we drove to St. Stephen, New Brunswick, where you cross back into the USA. We waited in line for about half an hour and then crossed with no difficulty.

After that it was a long trip across Maine and back to New Hampshire. Before our trip we had gotten a talking GPS and for the most part “she” workedgreat. Although we could not get her to work in Nova Scotia. However, in New Brunswick and Maine and New Hampshire she did very well. Before our next trip in September I will have to think of a good name for her.

Hubby did all the driving on this trip, and I did all the cuddling of puppies. They did very well, not only in the car, but in the motel, at the family reunion and meeting all the strange people in Hubby’s family! (LOL)

We arrived back at the house at 10:25 last night and we were greeted by two very happy doggies! Fritz and Greta were so happy to see us and Fritz, more than Greta, was happy to see the puppies.

Today will be laundry and unpacking day. And perhaps, if I am lucky, I will be able to finally finish Harry Potter!

It is so good to be home!

5 thoughts on “Home From Canada!”

  1. Welcome home Mom! Hope you have a nice relaxing day at home, though am guessing you will be busy with laundry, unpacking, and all of those post-trip items!
    Love you,

  2. Rumor has it those last 100 pages are AWESOME. Everyone I know is so excited abotu the last book that i’ve given in and started reading the series from the beginning.

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