Okay, Enough With The Heat

We’ve just returned from Canada, where the average temperature during the day was 90+ degrees. It was also humid. The only saving grace there was the stiff sea breeze that seemed always to help cool things down. Thank God for the sea breeze!

We are home now. Back in central New Hampshire, where we are known for our moderate summers. So what have we returned to? Hot! Humid! And Hazy!

This sort of weather is why I left Florida and returned to New England. I just couldn’t take the heat. Everyone said that my “blood would thin” and I would be fine in the heat. I want to tell you all, it never happened. Hot is hot and you never really get used to it, you just get better air conditioning.

So I have one more month (August) to go before we (hopefully) will start to cool off, and I want to say just one thing here!

Enough with the heat!!!

6 thoughts on “Okay, Enough With The Heat”

  1. I will always remember Florida when we visited some things there because of this unsain heat ! It was so hot and wet that when I made one step out of the hotel my T-shirt was already wet ! I prefer Arizona. BTW your husband can ask for a pension in Germany ! It’s in Berlin. I am sure of that because my aunt who married an american in 1951 and moved with him to Madison/Wisc she got a german pension, because she had worked there before. I think your hubby should ask. Why not, even if it’s not a big amount it just would be right.

  2. Hi Mom,

    I hear you on the heat and humidity thing–in the last week I’ve played volleyball twice, and softball once, and ended up soaked completely–with sweat! Yuck!

    The other nice thing about the end of summer is the start of football season, at least in my humble opinion! LOL

    Have a great day,


  3. I was in the US last week, and I seem to have forgotten what it is like to live every day at 90/90. 90 degrees at 90% humidity. Its roughly 70 degrees here now, and I have only used my A/C once this year.

  4. I agree, it’s the one thing I don’t like about Barcelona is the month of august: hot, humid, sticky, even at night…only 4 weeks to go!

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