Well, Tuesday was one of those days that from start to finish was just one really, really, good day!
I was up early and headed out to get my hair styled. I love my hairstylist, Rebecca. She takes time to listen to what I would like and then follows through. We’ve had some grand adventures so far and today, well, she just outdid herself! I needed a slight color correction because the hair in front of my head is getting whiter. So, some creative coloring was needed. I just want to know how a sweet young thing like me can be getting all this white hair?
The hair was great and after I saw Becca I went to the grocery store and got a few things. Arnie gets his pills twice a day and he takes them with a little liverwurst. I am now a good customer at the Deli for my boy’s treat!
Then I got the mail, and our latest stimulus check arrived. Better late than never I guess, so score another good thing on my list!
But the best thing was running into my friend Brad at the Post Office. He taught me everything I know about computers, and I have not seen him since Covid hit! I’ve kept in touch via Facebook, so I knew he had gotten both his vaccines and yet, we still were masked. Anyway, I hugged this dear friend of mine and I realized how hugs are the best. I have missed them.
After making lunch, I settled down, did some laundry, and finished the potato salad. I wasn’t thrilled with my last batch, so, I tried to think about what my Mom used to do. I went slowly and methodically and in the end, the potato salad was perfect!
I got a stain out of a favorite shirt and managed to get the dogs fed on time.
A note here, Arnie started his cranberry, pumpkin seed extract, and organic licorice root. He’s been on this for two weeks and he is starting to do amazingly well!
It is wonderful to see Arnie back to his old self and running around! He also only takes the anti-inflammatory every 12 hours instead of every 6! Score one for holistic medicine!
The sun was bright and the sky was mostly cloudless. Just one of those days where it felt good to be alive!
I am glad to hear things are going so well for you right now
Your hair looks lovely, and yes, it’s great to be getting and giving hugs again!