My Girl, Anneliese

Anneliese is growing up. For the longest time she would wander around and you had to watch her, like you would watch a 2 year old child, lest she disappear. In the last few weeks she has started to stay in the yard and seems to understand the boundaries of our property.

She has also started to listen. Now if this lasts, I will be totally thrilled. As a young puppy you would call her and she would pretend that she did not know what you were saying or whom you were calling.

Now she actually turns her little head and even (gasp) comes running to you if you instruct her to do this.

August 15 005

I wonder if all of this compliance on her part is due to the treats that I try to keep in my pocket to reward her good behavior. Whatever the reason, when I look into those beautiful eyes I melt and fall in love with her all over again.

3 thoughts on “My Girl, Anneliese”

  1. Isn’t it great how dogs have a mind of their own…

    Macc, our Greyhound, has his very own bed, and old cot matress. The thing is, he prefers to be in either my bean bag or on our bed! He will get off his bed, look to see what we are doing, then stretch… and then calmly walking slowly so as his claws don’t click on the floor towards the bean bag, BUSTED!!!

    He sulks back to his bed and then gives me the look of death!!

    Thanks for stopping by and the well wish’s, we will know more on Friday…

  2. She’s such a pretty little thing. You can really tell she’s a girl.

    I think treats are just fine if they make her do what you want. Works with men too, doesn’t it? 🙂

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