The Seasons…

It’s August. In the past I remember Augusts filled with high temperatures and many days spent playing in the surf at the beaches of my childhood.

As I have grown older I see the seasons in a different light. The light of the sunsets. Tonight was a good example. We had the most beautiful sunset. Pink and coral and yellow. The only problem? This really resembles an Autumn sunset, not an August sunset.

August 20 009

I’m actually ready for summer to end and Autumn to come to us. I look forward to the first day I can wear one of my sweaters, or light a fire in our hearth.

Meanwhile, I’ll just keep enjoying the sunsets and watch as the seasons pass us, one by one.

August 20 011

5 thoughts on “The Seasons…”

  1. Hi Mom,
    Beautiful pictures–what a gorgeous sunset!
    So, looks like I will be getting a new car, I believe even this evening…. I’ll fill you in on all of the details when we talk, and will let you know for sure one way or the other….
    Hope you have a great day today. Should be a nice cool one again, before summer rolls back in at the end of the week!
    Love you!

  2. Maribeth your photos made my evening! I too am ready for fall, even though by all accounts our summer has been lacking. There’s something so promising about cooler weather – perhaps it’s echoes of school days?

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