Pant Suits & Blouses

Have I mentioned that I love my Hubby lately?

Well, I’ll tell you, today he took me shopping, at a one day sale at Macy’s, and he found for me a really gorgeous light gray suit with powder blue lining and a matching shirt. The gray suit has the thinest thread of the same powder blue running through to form a pinstripe! It is so beautiful! Best of all, it flatters my figure and I feel comfortable in it.

Hubby has great taste in clothes for me. When he picks something out, most of the time I feel like a million dollars in it. Probably because he likes it too. He wanted to get a second blouse to go with it, and we stopped in at Coldwater Creek, where I got a pretty white blouse there.

All of this shopping was done in the 90+ degree heat and I was so glad when we were done and got to come home to the air conditioning.

So, I never did find a dress. I’m not sure I liked any that I tried on. So many of them show too much skin or are tents that make me look extremely fat, or worse yet, pregnant!

You know a few years ago, I was going through a plump phase. A little rounder than I am right now. Anyway, I found, what I thought was the cutest pant suit to wear to a reunion. I modeled it for Hubby, who said the color was nice, but he didn’t think it flattered my figure.

Oh I thought he was being so mean. So I brought it with us, and one evening I put it on and wore it to the cocktail party.

One of the men we know well came up to us smiling broadly and took my hand and shook it and said, “Oh dear this is wonderful! You look great, when is the baby due?”

I wanted to die, right there. But of course what do you say?

I smiled sweetly and said, “I’m not pregnant, I’m just fat!” And then I smiled some more.

Since then, I never wear anything until Hubby gives me his honest appraisal.

I always felt bad for that man, but I bet he has never done that to any other woman either! LOL

4 thoughts on “Pant Suits & Blouses”

  1. What a sweet gesture by your hubby!’s been ages since I shopped for clothes and aeons since hubby and I went shopping for MY clothes! 🙂

  2. You see ! at the end I was right from the very beginning I suggested you a suit, lol ! I just don’t feel comfortable in a dress or skirt anymore, although I am not fat at all. Your hubby has a very good taste ! Not like mine, he finds everything what I wear even a hospital dress nice !
    Today I take the Cruise to London to Croydon that’s the ideal place for window shopping or shopping so if you wish to take a walk there, maybe you will find a second suit, lol ! I also had to do this Onion meme !

  3. We only go shopping together if my husband needs to buy clothes. He does some shopping alone, too and I do mine always on my own!
    I have never ever asked a woman about her pregnancy unless I know 200% that she is indeed pregnant… Your answer was very nice! and I am sure that man never eer asked again that question without prior information, lol!

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