Thursday Thirteen #54

Remember: It’s still De-Lurking Week!!!

Thursday 13

Things I Did Today

1. I got my flu shot.
2. I got my computers all networked and working well.
3. I made a homemade spaghetti sauce.
4. Made Hubby his lunch, only to realize I had made him the lunch he hadn’t wanted. Oh well, at least he got fed!
5. Took a small rest because I had a gigantic headache.
6. Walked the dogs.
7. Fed the dogs.
8. Took a ride with Hubby and enjoyed the changing Autumn leaves.
9. Found the recipe for an “Herb Crusted Roast Beef” (found here) that I will make on Thursday night.
10. Started thinking about when I will go down to see my sister and her family. (A 4 hour drive)
11. Watched some mindless TV.
12. Picked up the mail.
13. Decided that I need to kick back and relax a little more.

7 thoughts on “Thursday Thirteen #54”

  1. Hi Mom,
    Happy Thursday! Hope you have a great day! I have my follow up today, and will let you know how everything goes!
    Love you,

  2. Wow, I am thrilled to meet another Maribeth with an I. I am forever saying It’s one word with an I. Neat-o
    Nice to meet you, thanks for stopping by my blog

    Now, we have to keep in touch. :):):)

  3. That’s a good idea for TT ! When I would do it it would be replaced by “fed the cats” and this at least 10 times a day, lol ! And fortunately they walk themselves, because I am a very lazy girl !

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