Lazy Days

Have you ever had one of those days where you just plain feel lazy? I mean, lazier than usual? Today was that day for me.

It all started when I opened my eyes in bed. My first instinct was to close them and pretend I wasn’t awake and go back to sleep. However, Greta had seen my eyes open and her tail began to thump with joy (and probably the need to go out and wee-wee after a long night in bed). Fritz seeing movement was dancing around like a disco dancer from the’80’s.

So I got up and put on my rain clogs and bathrobe and headed toward the kitchen, still wishing that I could crawl back into that nice warm bed with Hubby, who was blissfully asleep.

I turned on the coffee maker and got the puppies from their crates and out we went into the morning mist. All the dogs ran around and happily relieved themselves before coming back into the house for their early morning treat.

I sat down and put my head back on the chair and closed my eyes. I could feel myself slipping into that wonderful sleepy state when, BOOM! Arnie jumped onto my lap followed by his sister, Anneliese.

Greta, who was sitting with me in the chair also trying to go back to sleep, looked at me as if to say, “I told you to get rid of them, along with the others”.

Time passed and finally the coffee was done and I got myself a cup, with the hopes that I would wake up.

It just never happened.

I decided early on to toss some vegetables in the crock pot and make a beef stew for dinner because it was easy, cooked itself and would require me to do very little.

I postponed the laundry, and almost all of my other chores. It can all just wait. As Scarlett O’Hara said, “Tomorrow is another day” and my work will still be there.

Meanwhile I have watched the Patriots football game ( Pats won 34-17 ) and the Red Sox baseball game (Sox won 9-1), with plans to watch “Desperate Housewives” later tonight.

Yes, I never did officially wake up today, but that’s okay. Perhaps once in a while you just have to have a really laid back day.

Time for my pajamas!

7 thoughts on “Lazy Days”

  1. Oh, I absolutely know these days… and you should not try to battle them. Just enjoy them and don’t do a damn thing 🙂

  2. You are very right: we all need one of those lazy days once in a while! no guilty feelings, just relax and enjoy a (well deserved!) lazy day.
    Thanks so much for the wonderful bday wishes, I truly appreciate that 🙂

  3. I am on a mission to find a croc pot but alas, they are not sold here. The dogs are so cute and I am hoping to get another to replace mine ( long haired dwarf…) I kinda lurk, but I am on the recent readers list, so I feel guilty reading and running, LOL!

  4. I do have these kind of days sometimes — like now! I am actually at home right now not because I was lazier than usual but because I am sick. 🙁

  5. What a delightful day! Your post also made me laugh when I envisioned the dogs upon your awakening with Fritz dancing around and Greta’s tail a thumping…LOL You really made it all come to life.

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