My New Iron

I hate to iron. Doesn’t just about any sane person on the face of the earth? Remember, I said sane! However, in life there are those things that need to be pressed because no matter how quickly you get to the dryer, they are a wrinkled mess anyway. Hubby has several of those shirts, (I plan to burn them!) but I also have a few. (bon fire?) Anyhow, my old iron died. I mean it just spit out every last drop of water on the shirt I was ironing and wouldn’t heat up again. So off to Walmart I went.
Now I didn’t want to spend a fortune. I mean why do that when you aren’t going to use it a lot?
So I looked, read labels, checked prices, and picked out one because I liked the color. Okay, I know that doesn’t make sense, but it’s blue a pretty sky blue and that’s my favorite color, so I brought it home.
I love this iron! It’s a Sunbeam and it heat’s up well and has a surge of steam that takes out a crease easily and my ironing time has gone down.
I just finished 6 shirts in record time and what did I do? I looked to see if there was anything else to iron!
Pathetic really.

5 thoughts on “My New Iron”

  1. My mother has actually been known to hold the seat belt away from her in the car as to not wrinkle her clothes. She might die in an accident, but I guess she feels she would at least be a well pressed casualty.

  2. When I met my husband he hated button down shirts. I just love the way they look with khakis so over the years he has grown a collection of such shirts courtesy of me.

    Can someone tell me what the he** I was thinking now I have to iron the damn shirts.

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