The Friday Five ~ July 29th

Friday FiveIt’s been quite a week for me. No big appointments, but it seems that I kept myself busy. Here’s how it went.

  1. We had some beautiful weather this week. Perfect temperatures, robins egg blue skies, and just perfect conditions all around. I looked up one morning and I could see a jet plane flying along. And after several minutes I could hear it. I’m not sure why this thrilled me, perhaps it reminded me of a time that I traveled all the time. I truly enjoyed that. Seeing new places and meeting new people. It was wonderful.
  2. I was able to go out to the local shops. The tourists were not too bad, but I still chose to wear a mask. I am still trying to figure out where on earth I got Covid at the start of the month.
  3. My recovery has gone well, I am just tired. Remember back when naps were a punishment as a kid? Not any more! I love my little naps.
  4. I decided that since I am sick of my cooking I would try a few new dishes. One night was Chinese food. Pork fried rice, Chinese pork slices, and a mix of stir fry veggies. I also had Shrimp spring rolls. It’s not quite right, but I will keep working on it. The other was ravioli night. I thought it was good, but it was a fail for Jack. Oh well, the salads were good.
  5. Lastly, this week was a lovely rainbow that arrived at dinner time on Thursday. It was a nice way to end the week.

2022-07-28_08-11-50Have a great weekend everyone!


One thought on “The Friday Five ~ July 29th”

  1. You make we wonder if Jack takes notice of planes flying overhead.
    Nanna naps must be so nice with Heidi cuddles must be nice.
    A full and strong rainbow. Very nice.

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