Panty Princess

Last December, Greta had her first heat. It meant three weeks of keeping little panties on her, and keeping her safe from any neighborhood rogues. Since Greta likes her panties, (chastity belt!) it’s not really too tough to get through this time. We also live in a fairly good neighborhood, so most of the boys have had their little operations.
You count ahead six months and thats when the next heat will happen. Okay, I was ready in early June for this blessed event. I had purchased the pads, and prepared. Nothing! End of June. Nothing. Beginning of July, I started talking to her, asking her where she’d been sneaking off to, who she’d been with, why she wasn’t getting her period! Was she on the pill?
Tonight I saw a small spot. I checked and finally, finally after 7 1/2 months she is in heat again!
Now we have three weeks of pads and panties! Oh woop-di-doo!
Oct 1a 004.jpg

2 thoughts on “Panty Princess”

  1. Does she have cramps? Is she bloated? Poor little girl! She needs a night out on the town with a handsome prince, better find one for next time. LOL

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