Looking back at the past week I am pretty happy with the resolution of all the petty little problems that plagued me during the week. Here we go with this week’s Friday Five.
- I cannot begin to say how wonderful it is to have the sink and dishwasher usable once again. I think the best part is, had I had a little more belief in my own abilities, I could have fixed the drain problem. Actually, I was so close to clearing the drain, had I known one little trick, I could have done it. So I will add minor plumbing skills to my list of items I can do. It’s not big, but unclogging a drain can be done!
- On Wednesday it was so pretty out my bedroom window, I snapped a picture.
I was happy with a light dusting but…
- Just as we had cleared the last bit of muddy snow from the patio, it snowed again and dropped 7-8 inches! Now we have more snow that will be melting and causing more mud! Ugh. I know it is still February, but this year I am ready for Spring. Like, right, now!!!
- I was due to drive Jack to Manchester on Thursday for tests, but they actually called on Wednesday and rescheduled his appointments. I felt great relief. I am not a fan of driving in slippery snowstorms. And when I watched our local news they reported many accidents on the local highways. I was glad I wasn’t out there.
- Lastly, it is Thursday evening. The snow has stopped for now and our driveway has been plowed. The doggy potty area has also been plowed. And best of all, when the Satelite Dish began to fill with snow I could clear it from the ground and not climb a ladder!
So a busy, yet productive week. I hope wherever you are you are enjoying a few days of fun and relaxation!