Quite honestly, I am glad the week is over. Jack is feeling better and life is moving forward. As Friday dawns on us, here are the things I am happy about!
- As I said, Jack is well, and although he is still weak at least the pain is gone.
- I’ve been able to keep up with my meal preparations and some laundry. Over the weekend I want to curl up and take some nice naps, as well as finish up the throw rugs, washing and hanging them outside.
- Heidi is doing so well on a new dog chow. I am so pleased. I was worried about her, but it seems the worst is over.
- I ordered a pack of three doggy toys. They are just like the one that Heidi came to us with, which is her favorite. I gave her one and gave one to Lili. The next thing I knew Heidi had Lili’s toy, her new toy, and her old toy all in her mouth! Oh, it made me laugh!
- Yesterday was the 14th birthday of Anneliese’s pups. Baron, Bogart, Baerbel, and Birgit (Ali). All four are still with us. It makes me so happy because I know, I bred good hunters who were also very healthy. All the pups from three litters made it to 14+ years old. And one, Angelika in Greta’s first litter lived until she was almost 15!
So this wraps up another week. I hope you are enjoying the days wherever you may be.
So glad Jack is doing better!!!~~oh but if only you’d gotten a pic of Heidi with all those toys in her mouth!!