The Friday Five ~ June 2nd

The Friday FiveHappy first Friday in June! Can you believe it? In a few short months, me and a bunch of my friends will have our 65th birthdays, thus joining the retired “Baby Boomer” generation. The last week has been crazy, but as I reach Friday, here is this week’s Friday Five.

  1. A week and a half ago after experiencing the Blue Screen of Death on my Dell Laptop,received_160654043470439

    I sent it in to have my Computer Guru wipe the hard drive. He started off trying to run a few programs. After he got the Blue Screen of Death when he had actually wiped the hard drive, he got this cute screen.


    He tried to go further, but when he saw this, he knew that my old Dell was good for nothing other than chopping up the hard drive with a sledgehammer.


    Well, it got both of our attention and we decided that a new computer was in my future.

  2.  Since it’s been a while since I purchased a laptop, I wanted to get a good machine with upgraded features. Again, the industry has flown by me and I needed help. Fortunately, my friend helped me pick a new machine. I ordered a Lenovo and it is unbelievably fast, And it seems to suit me.
  3. Due to the long weekend, the machine didn’t arrive until Tuesday. I could hardly wait and I have spent the last few days programming it. Later today I will add my purchased programs.

  4. Lili is doing fine now after her bee sting. I have never seen such enormous Bees! And Poor Lili suffered from the sting and from being sensitive to Benedryl.


    Heidi knew she was unwell and she lay beside her until Lili was better.

  5. I am on a German Wirehaired Dachshund webpage on Facebook. We are all devoted to our little beings and enjoy their special personalities. While dusting my bookcase I came across a book that had been written and illustrated by a man named Martin Blank.

    20230526_192035Martin Blank and his Dackel, Schluffi.

    I had taken two pictures from the book and mentioned that I knew Mr. Blank had died, but I felt the need to celebrate his creativity. Some time passed and his wife (who is also on the list) replied. I was so happy.

That is all for this week. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and that a little sun shines and the temperatures are wonderful and warm.


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