The Friday Five ~ December 22nd


So, this week flew by, although I did not get much done. I want to, but there are times I feel frozen. So, here we go.

  1. I believe I have mentioned my trips to our local diner. “George’s”. I love it.  I go in, people know me, and I smile. The other day, I’d finished my meal, and I was getting up to leave when I knocked over my water. We all mopped it up, and off I went.
  2. I did not feel like making lunch the next day, so I went to “George’s” for lunch. As I entered, the waitress said in a joking voice…”Don’t give her any water! She’s a spiller! We all laughed, and I smiled. “George’s” has become my “Cheers.”
  3. I have begun thinking about my cruise, and so help me, we’d better not have a hurricane that sends my ship to Boston.
  4. My goal today is to clear off the bed in my bedroom. I have slept in my recliner since I brought Heidi home (3 years). After the first of the year, I plan to buy an adjustable bed.
  5. My trip. Let us all pray for nice, warm, and dry weather!

Screenshot_20231221_222435_Vacation Countdown

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