It’s an old shot of my view of the Lake, but it’s one of my favorites. It’s been a busy week, so here goes.
- Heidi had been acting strangely over the last weekend. And on Sunday night, when I took her out to wee-wee, I noticed that not much was coming out. Since I have been down this road before, I used my special pan to get a specimen. Almost nothing came out.
- The Vet was the first one I called on Monday, and I was instructed to keep catching samples in a Ziploc bag. We were scheduled for 2:30.
- X-rays were taken, and surgery was scheduled for first thing on Wednesday morning.
- I brought her out early and then drove back, stopping at a grocery shop and getting the mail. When I finished putting everything away, my Vet called to tell me Heidi was done and I should come around 2:30 to pick her up.
- All has gone as planned, and she is recovering well. We are working to find good food to avoid more problems with her Urinary Tract.