The Friday Five ~ Feb. 16th

131059219_2793054987613754_7347382249664705514_n (2)It’s been another busy week, so I will run with it and give you five things happening.

  1. Well, Heidi isn’t doing all that well, and it is frustrating for me. Last night, she got up and wanted to go out. I struggled into my boots, and she had gone on the carpet. I still walked her, but the ammonia smell hit me when I came in. There was no easy way to clean it at 12:30 in the morning, so I put the rug in the tub, closed the door, and went back to bed.
  2. Waking this morning, I took her right out, and she hardly went. Honestly, I am at the end of my doggy leash. Currently, she is asleep in the sun.
  3. Yesterday, I was feeling the need to get out. I went for breakfast. It was great to see everyone!20240215_095216
  4. Then, I was off to the farmstand, which had just opened. Almost all my favorite things were there. It’s also nice to go where people know you!
  5. Then I went to my local furniture store. Here is the deal. It’s President’s Day Weekend, with a lot of sales. I did not have new furniture with my first husband. But heck, we were 17 years old and had very little cash. Yard sales and inheriting things were how we filled our apartments.
    After that, I married Jack and moved into his house, where I inherited the furniture from his first marriage. There were promises of new furniture, but that never happened. I have lived with that furniture for over 35 years. Since I can no longer sleep in a regular bed, I tried an adjustable queen-size mattress yesterday. I have spine problems, so I decided to get a bed I could sleep in. After all, I’ve been sleeping in my recliner for two years. It has been the only comfortable place. Since I am giving away the two dressers that belonged to Jack and his first wife, I ordered a large ladies’ dresser, a mirror, a new bed frame, and a bedside table.

my bed

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