Hello, My Name is Maribeth…

I got into my car after dinner tonight and drove 8 miles to my first Weight Watchers meeting. I was nervous and scared at what the scale would show, but I was also determined to actually get there.

I had the address of the church where the meeting was being held, and I got there thinking that certainly I would be the plumpest woman there. I was relieved to find that not only was I not the plumpest, but I wasn’t the only first timer either.

I sat through the meeting and listened to the other women and men speak about their weight problems. Several people have done really well and lost a lot of weight. It gave me strength to think about conquering this myself.

Yes, at one point after the meeting I was speaking with the Counselor and I said, “Hello, my name is Maribeth, and I am an over eater!” We both laughed!

I won’t be writing a lot about this in my entries, but I may put things in the extended entry for anyone who is interested.

I have a LOT of weight to lose. A LOT! But I am in no hurry and I can take my time and do this right.

So it begins, this life of controlled eating.


By the way, today my laptop was sent back to the factory for repair. I cried at the UPS office at I bid it farewell. Meanwhile I actually have to get myself down the hall and into the office to use a (*gasp*) desktop model!

I’m already missing my laptop.

9 thoughts on “Hello, My Name is Maribeth…”

  1. Your first WW meeting… good for you, Maribeth! My Mom successfully lost quite some weight with WW and their recipes are really good.
    Good luck on your journey [although I really can’t see in the pictures that you have to lose A LOT of weight]…

    P.S. I hear you about missing your laptop! We get so spoiled 😉

  2. Ouch! I admire you! That would be so tough for me. Trying to diet. My hungry monster stomach would go crazy 😉

    Sorry to hear about your laptop, I hope it will survive and come back home better than new!

  3. A LOT of weight to lose?? wishing you good luck with your dieting plans, it is a hard thing to do but you’ll achieve your goal, I am sure!!

  4. Good luck with this, MB. I admire your determination.

    You mentioned an ‘extended’ entry. What is there??


  5. Hi Mom,
    Congrats on your first WW meeting. Do you like the idea of the plans and the points systems?
    Hope all is well, and that you are surviving this crazy cold we are experiencing. I hear it is supposed to be nice and warm next week (above freezing counts for warm, right?)
    Lots of Love,

  6. Congrats for going! You have lots of determination and I know you can do this 🙂

    Hope your beloved laptop is back with you soon!

  7. Wishing you good luck with your 2008 project!

    I do understand your frustration but hope your laptop is soon home with you again 🙂

  8. Well done with getting to the meeting and making your GRAND announcement, ‘… and I’m an over eater” I laughed so loud at this!!

    That’s the hard part done, including the scales bit, now it can only get better. I will be watching for regular updates!

    Laptop needed a repair, what was wrong? I have had to rebuild, repair reinstall on both our laptop and desktop!!!

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