The Dackel Princess Bares All! ~ HA!

We got up this morning as usual. We expected to see more snow today, and we were not disappointed. 8 more inches of the fluffy white stuff had fallen on the ground overnight, and it was still snowing. The puppies knew that the Snow Fairies had been working overtime to send them this joy and they immediately set about playing in it!

Feb 7 015

Feb 7 011

Don’t get me wrong, fresh fallen snow is a beautiful sight and almost any other year in my life you would find me reveling in it. However, this year, this year has boggled my mind. I cannot for the life of me recall another year when we have had this much snow!

All I can say is, enough is enough!

I made our breakfast (an especially hearty one for Hubby, who needed to go and clear the driveway, yet again) and then as I was clearing away the dishes, I stretched over the counter and my back went out! Eeeeek! Wow did that hurt.

I had Hubby help me down on the floor so I could do my back stretches. You see I am no stranger to these back spasms, since I have had them off and on since my car accident all those years ago.

The stretching helped, but I was still quite sore, so I filled the jacuzzi tub up with hot water and climbed in to relax my back. I soon found I had a couple of friends. Please note, this picture has gone through a filter to protect my modesty! LOL

Feb 7 004

Now here is another with no filter as I found myself relaxing and becoming less modest! LOL!.

Feb 7 003

It snowed another 2 inches, so we have probably 10 inches total right now. Hubby has been busy all day. What a guy!


Lastly, I went to Weight Watchers tonight and I lost 4.2 pounds!!! Call me happy! I worked hard all week, keeping track of my points, eating wholesome foods, and limiting the snacks in my daily life.

I am so grateful. Grateful to the program, the guidance and the people at Weight Watchers. Right now, 6 weeks into my program, I have lost a total of 17 pounds!

9 thoughts on “The Dackel Princess Bares All! ~ HA!”

  1. woohoo! I haven’t seen you nekkid since we were kids! Glad you back is feeling better and CONGRATS on your healthy eating! It shows 🙂

  2. Love the pictures – I used to have a Cairn terrier when I was a child and he loved the snow. He would refuse to come indoors until so much snow stuck to his underside that his legs seized up and we had to defrost him in the bath! And well done on the weight loss – this side of the pond, if the scales are to be believed, I have lost another 2 pounds this week, so 6 pounds down since I re-started. We are invincible!!!!

  3. Oh my – MB – these are darling pix, all of them. You look very very classy there in your jacuzzi….and the doggies are precious.


  4. Hi Mom,

    Congrats again on your weight loss this week, and over the last 6 weeks! I’m so excited we are doing this at the same time…. I am only 3 weeks in, so am a bit behind, but I like the motivation of talking with my friends about the diet, and having each other as support! Love the first pic of the pups playing in the snow; that is great!

    I am also very tired of the snow. All week there has been just enough to wreak havoc on my commute, but not enough to justify working from home! 🙁

    Love you lots,

  5. Well all I can say is that your right: a strange winter as we almost have no snow (you know, you’ve red my post about it:-) in Oslo, Norway. So I envy you – I mean see how fun your dog’s are having in the snow!
    And if you would do it the Norwegian way next time: Warm your body like in your jacuzzi and then run out and roll in the snow and play with the dogs and then back in the jacuzzi. I can tell you it helps for your blood circulation and I can assure you it burns some calories too!

    Wishing you a great end to your week 🙂

  6. Congrats on the weight loss 🙂 You go girl!

    I hope the back is not giving you too much trouble. I certainly know how that is… How excellent that you have a hot tube. I really miss that. Since we practise compact living, we only have a shower.

    It’s always such a JOY seeing happy dogs playing! My dog could do that for hours…. and I hadn’t the heart to stop him, so I got really cold sometimes 🙂

    Cute, cute, cute….

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