
I had ordered two things from LL Bean on sale. A new shirt for Hubby and a berry pink fleece robe for me.


I was excited when I got a tracking number, letting me know that my package was on the way and would be delivered today.

Once again we have terrible weather. When I went out today to the hairdresser’s, I took the Jeep and there were a few times I did have to slip it into 4 wheel drive to get through the miserable snow/sleet/rain combination that fell all morning.

I checked my computer when I got home from being beautified, and saw that the package from LL Bean was still on it’s way! Great!

They are forecasting 6-8 inches of snow overnight tonight, so I asked Hubby if he thought it might be good to get our groceries today. After lunch we headed out to stock up.

We arrived home a couple of hours later, and I quickly put all the groceries away, fed the dogs, and made our dinner. We sat down to eat and once I got the dishes done I decided that perhaps I should check in to see where my “package” was.

The report from the delivery agency said that the “package” had been delivered to the mailbox. Now, we don’t have a mailbox so I knew this was bad.

I tore out of here in a flash, and drove up to the top of our driveway to see what was going on. There, tied to the tree next to the sign that says our name, was the “package”!

It was in a big plastic garbage bag, tied there in the drizzling rain. So I took it down and brought it home and opened the package. All was well, but I was still pretty angry about it.

So I Instant Messaged LL Bean and chatted with a Customer Service woman and explained it all to her, gave her the tracking number and was assured that if anything happened to my items they would have been replaced.

But that isn’t the point! The point is, it shouldn’t have been left there. It turned out okay this time, but what about the next?

I’ve had my say now and the people at LL Bean can do with my grievance what they want.

Meanwhile I am enjoying my new bathrobe, and the shirt is a perfect fit for Hubby!

7 thoughts on “Packages”

  1. Berry pink is such a lovely color! just got back from summer so it’s hard to imagine your cold weather…(sorry about that!). That wasn’t proper delivery, glad nothing happened to the things you ordered, though…

    Goofy Girl did a wonderful job with your new template, it is truly beautiful, congrats!!

  2. You wonder what planet delivery people inhabit sometimes. My husband once ordered some very fragile, very expensive computer equipment and arranged for it to be delivered to his sister’s house in Florida (they wouldn’t deliver to the UK). It didn’t appear and when we inquired we were told (and I wish I was making this up) “The delivery guy couldn’t figure out where the delivery address was so he left it on the porch of the address he thought it might be”!!!!!! My SIL didn’t have a porch and the address the guy picked was in an area which was….well, lets just say, all the local reports of fights and shootings came from that area! You couldn’t make it up!

  3. Hi Mom
    Hope your day goes well today. I know it’s meeting night for you tonight, so I will be thinking of you! You will have to drop me a text of how you do!

    I had my weigh-in this morning, and am down another 1.5 lbs, for a total of 11 lbs! Slow, but steady. I expect the rest of my diet to be like this. 1 lb one week, 2 lbs next week, etc.

    I’m 33% to my initial goal!

    Love you lots,

  4. I just hate it when delivery guys n gals do this… Australia Post manage this here in Australia, and a couple of months ago, a package was left with a form to sign IF we wanted them to leave packages in the future if no-one was home. We never signed it, as it waives all responsibility and it is easy enough to go to the Post Office to collect. BUT, yesterday when I got home from work, there was a package, left in the rain. AND what worse, is that it was an electricial item for the new bathroom/laundry! Luckily enough it was wrapped in plastic, but I am letting it dry out before I install it…

  5. I had bad, bad experience with packages being deliverd late, at the wrong place or not at all. It really upsets me.
    I am glad that you received all your ordered stuff though.

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