Oh My Aching Back! Part 3

We were up early and after breakfast Hubby drove me in to see the doctor. He examined me, wrote out orders for x-rays and three for prescriptions and sent me on my way. He says it is sciatica, Now what is causing it is still a mystery. If the x-rays show something, he will call. If I am not a lot better at the end of the week I am to call him.

Meanwhile, I wait. I have a back brace I am wearing, which is like the worst girdle you can imagine, and anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxants and pain pills. Yes, I feel a little whacked out tonight and I wish I could say, also pain free, but I can’t. Just a little like, I do not care.

While driving to the doctors and back, I was amazed at how high the snow banks are. It seems everywhere we went the snow was piled high, high, high! And guess what?

More snow tomorrow!

However, none of the forecasters can agree on how much will actually fall. Some say 6 inches some say 10. After the winter we have had, I say, what will be, will be!

Well time to go curl up in the fetal position and pray for springtime!

6 thoughts on “Oh My Aching Back! Part 3”

  1. Sciatica ! I just looked it up on a German medical website and read that it is an inflamation of this nerv which sometimes occurs through heavy snow weather !!
    It must be in the air because I am sure your keep yourself warm. So probably you have to stay inside and warm and take your pills until the inflamation goes away !

  2. Well, look at it this way, at least your not ‘spaced out’ on all the medications, you blog post made sense!!!

    I hope it is easing for you as well…

    Snow piled high, will any of it go into dams when it melts??

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