My Laptop & Spring!

With the fan fixed and the laptop no longer threatening to burst into flames, I went down to the shop today and brought her home. It’s a sad thing, you know. I’d had such high hopes for her back when she arrived. The excitement I felt, the happiness, and now I know that her time with me can be counted in mere months.

My computer Guru got her together enough that I can use her, but she will never be together enough again for me to bring anywhere and use on the road. However this does buy me some time to search for a new machine.


It was another beautiful day here in New Hampshire, with temperatures in the upper 50’s and lots and lots of melting! Hubby went for his 55th day of skiing, and had fairly good conditions as well as beautiful views!

I re-potted my basil plant and decided that my first planting of Eggplants did not germinate, so I’m off tomorrow to get another packet of seeds to sow. In another 10 days I will start the rest of my vegetable seeds for the garden. Oh how good it will be to have fresh vegetables from my own garden!

Ah yes, spring has finally come to New Hampshire and I sure am ready for it!

6 thoughts on “My Laptop & Spring!”

  1. So sorry about the laptop, 2 years lifetime doesn’t sound right for modern technology…

    Yeah for the skier!!! Your husband is so privileged to be able to go out skiing whenever he feels like it! I am very, very jealous (and very happy for him!)

    0ne of our dreams is to be able to ski for free in the French Alps. We “only” have to reach the ripe age of 75 but being able to ski would mean we are in top condition 🙂

  2. Spring is moving in here too and I wake up from my winter sleep !!
    My laptop is an HP and I am VERY happy with it ! It works great has just the right size and Window XP (vista didn’t exist when I bought it) There also is a HP photo retouching program in it.

  3. Hi Mom,
    Miraculously, my computer is not shutting down on your site, so I can leave a note! Hope you are having a great day; it is supposed to be super-nice the next few days! I will be happy to head out of here at the end of the day to be able to enjoy it!

    Love you,

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