This and That

My laptop is in the shop again and the news isn’t good. This time the problems are not anything covered by my warranty, so we took it to my local shop. His guess-ta-mate is that it may cost as much as $400.00 to fix.

Now I may not be the brightest bulb in the lamp, but I am thinking that I have already put a lot of money into this silly machine, and I’m not sure I want to put any more into it, considering that with this machines known problems, next week it could suffer a bout of chicken pox or worse yet, the bubonic plague!

So I am looking, and thinking…..


In other news, we went out today to have Hubby refitted for ski boots. He has recently purchased new skis

April 14 009

and now finds a problem with his old (18 year old) boots. Much has changed with Hubby’s legs since his double knee replacements and so I’m pushing him to go out and just do it!

I am thinking Anneliese could be close to going into heat. She is starting to have episodes of PMS, and this leads me to believe that it may be close at hand. Her victim today was poor Arnie. Now my boy Arnie has to be the sweetest boy on the face of the earth so when she gets after him I have to wonder!

Since I am now sequestered in the office with our main desktop computer, I decided to scan in this very old picture. I was all of 19 years old and this is Mandy in my arms. It’s always been a favorite of mine, so I thought I’d share it with you!


I’ve also been playing with the macro lens on my camera and I came up with this picture

April 14 007

of one of the roses from our anniversary bouquet. I just loved the color of that flower!

As always you can click to enlarge these pictures. Also congratulations and thank-you to Ted in NY for being my 47,000 reader!!! And thank-you to all for visiting me each day!!!

13 thoughts on “This and That”

  1. I think it might be time to send that machine into the “Deleted” section!

    Love the photos, and with the macro one, what camera/lens do you use?

    I have a Canon 400D and I have learnt to use a little macro lens that screws onto the end of the lens. Cost me all of $30 off eBay!

  2. Don’t think, don’t look (only for a new one) and throw the old thing in the next bin ! That’s what I would do !
    19 and already mother ! wow ! you went quick ! at that age I only had boys in my head and certainly not babies, lol !

  3. Your blog starts my day off so well. I truly enjoy reading it each day and would miss it so much if it wasn’t here. I too think it is indeed time for a new laptop for you. Once I get my Best Buy account paid off I am going to get me a laptop. Skiing equipment should be at a good buy right now since it is at the end of ski season.
    good picture of you and Mandy. Thank goodness for pictures to remind us that we were once indeed young 🙂

  4. Ohhhhh my gosh! We were BOTH soooooo young when we had our Amandas! I turned 19 the month after mine was born! WOW! Those were the days… huh?

    About that lap top… I’d be thinkin’ too! New ones can be had for not MUCH more than that repair bill.

    I need to play more with my macro… I don’t have that much luck with it! Beautiful flower! Very nice!

  5. That’s an adorable picture of your baby and you!!!
    I wouldn’t trust ski boots which are “that old”: lost the tip of my 12-yo ski boot years ago just by sitting down on a lift,the ski was dropped but a friendly skier carried it for me! It was just old…the boot, not the skier, lol. And they were the most comfortable boots I have ever had…I don’t like the new ones with 4 buckles and velcro, it’s just too much work.
    Love your pink rose!

  6. What an awesome photo of you and Mandy, especially with the recent photos of the 2 of you together.
    On another note, the computer note, how about getting a Macintosh???? I know, I know, some people aren’t Mac people, but I have never had any trouble with any of mine. The only reason I’ve replaced my last laptop was purely a self-indulgent one, I wanted the new Macbook Pro!! Love Michele

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