Wenn ich mit meinem Dackel

I found this on You-Tube and wanted to share this with you all. For those of you that speak German you will understand the lyrics. For my non-German speakers please go to the extended entry for the translation.

My dackels truly are the lights of my life! Apparently I am not the only one!


English Translation

André Rieu introduces his friend saying “There is no one who knows Vienna songs better than my great friend and an unbelievably sensitive man, Karl Moik“.


Have you seen my dachshund yet?
Seen him yet? No, not yet?
He is clever and he is beautiful,
so much clever, so much beautiful
but only when you see us together
will you understand . . .

When I return with my dachsie
from Grinzing home, I waddle
then people will say
“just look at that clever beast”
and I’ll ask you who do they talk about –
not me? surely not me?

I just couldn’t carry my dachsie,
the short-legged thing
sweet like a bunch of flowers;
because if the pub is open really late
who should take me home?
My dachsie, my dachsie,
yes, my dachsie’ll take me home.

Just a little while ago, we went out,
when he had to go, I had to stop
when a dachsie girl spotted him.
she came over straight away,
buttered him up
and lost her little heart to him .
oh yes, I can understand that . . .

When I return with my dachsie
from Grinzing home, I waddle
then people will say
“just look at that clever beast”
and I’ll ask you who do they talk about –
not me? surely not me?

I just couldn’t carry my dachsie,
the short-legged thing
sweet like a bunch of flowers;
because if the pub is open really late
who should take me home?
My dachsie, my dachsie,
yes, my dachsie’ll take me home.

We’ve been to see his doctor,
my dog and I, wanted to have him
checked out “believe me,
dachsie is fine and round and really healthy
so I ask him “dachsie, want a wife?”
and he said “yes, yes, woof, woof”

When I return with my dachsie
from Grinzing home, I waddle
then people will say
“just look at that clever beast”
and I’ll ask you who do they talk about –
not me? surely not me?

I just couldn’t carry my dachsie,
the short-legged thing
sweet like a bunch of flowers;
because if the pub is open really late
who should take me home?
My dachsie, my dachsie,
yes, my dachsie’ll take me home.

8 thoughts on “Wenn ich mit meinem Dackel”

  1. This is great! What an adorable song! I laughed without even reading the translation. The doggie is cute, but not quite as beautiful as Your three!!!

  2. What a wonderful break from my German translation of Martin Heidegger…if only I could translate fun things like that. 🙂

  3. Oh my gosh…I don’t speak German at all, but got so tickled watching the film I couldn’t believe it. My husband came back into the family room and sat down on the floor so he could see the laptop to watch, too. I have two friends who were born in Germany that I’m going to send the url to. Thank you for setting me in the right direction, because I kept going to the puppy page and wondering why it hadn’t been updated.

  4. That was funny ! but who translated this song ?? I really have to listen carefully to this “german” because the Austrians have a terrible accent and also use other words. I would say it’s just like Boston and Texas, even worse !

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