Motorcycle Week 2008

Yes, it is Motorcycle Week here in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire. Motorcycles of every shape and form are roaring the streets of our community. I think this year is not quite as crowded as last year, due to the cost of fuel, and perhaps also the cost of food. Have you noticed how the two have both increased?

Anyway, during Motorcycle Week, I try to stay in and not venture out too much. There is a lot of traffic and you just cannot get the hum of the motorcycles out of your head.

Today while getting the mail I saw the best bike couple yet. Mr. Biker had a dew rag on his head, a gray beard that grew half way down his belly which was sticking out of his pants. He had tattoos that covered his body so I wasn’t quite sure if he had a tan or not. His Biker Babe, was sitting behind him with a tube top on. She had breasts to rival Pamela Anderson, and a belly nearly as big. She had a couple of rather tasteful tattoos on the top of each breast and shoulder. Her hair was bleached white blond, with black roots and she had pale lipstick on and was smoking a cigarette! Oh yeah. They sure made me smile!


Today was Weight Watcher day and so I HAD to go out, and I HAD to drive the busiest road between two towns. *gasp*

I made the trip there rather uneventfully and had the best news. I lost another 1.8 pounds bringing my total to 40 pounds lost! Needless to say after the meeting I was on cloud nine!

Then I decided to go to the grocery store to get some fresh vegetables. This required me to drive another 10 miles on a very busy road (also under construction) to our market.


I was driving quite carefully and was caught up in traffic when I noted a box van truck on the other side of the road. Almost before I could think about the space in back of it, some genius on a motor bike raced out in front of my car. I slammed on my brakes and pulled over into the brake-down lane. I missed him!

Just as I let out a sigh of relief, he turned and flipped me the bird! I wanted to run after him. I wanted to remind him that when a motorcycle goes up against a car, the bike usually loses. I wanted to tell him that life is precious, but he was gone in a flash.

I was shaken, but continued on my journey and actually got all my shopping done. Despite the influx of tourists into our area, it seems none of them were shopping today.

I got home, put the food away and then, finally took a long, deep breath.

I’m not going anywhere now until Sunday. Hopefully by then the crazy ones will have departed.

9 thoughts on “Motorcycle Week 2008”

  1. I’ll bet you’ll be glad to see them all clear out.
    I was an observer to two angry tirades today. One man at the gas station and one mother with her little two or so year old son. Must be the full moon!

  2. I honnestly don’t like motorbikes or bikers at all ! The couple you described looks so familiar to me ! typical !
    We had yesterday a big mess in Brussels ! 300 tractors, I don’t know how many trucks and taxis protested against the high and increasing fuel prices ! Mr. Gattino who had forgotten that the tractors would go through Waterloo to Brussels sat amongst them 45 min to make 1 mile ! He wasn’t very happy when he came home !
    Congratulations to another weight loss !

  3. I remember you telling us about this event, was it already a year ago??? time surely flies by…
    Only a couple of days and you will get your peaceful environment back 🙂
    Congrats on your further weight loss, you are doing wonderfully. How much more until you reach your goal?
    Happy Thursday !!

  4. Hi Mom,

    Congrats again on your weight loss for this week…. I actually gained a pound this week, but there are forces of nature going on with me, where my guess is that I probably am the same (if you know what I mean).

    I think Matt and I are headed to the Maine coast for the weekend. I absolutely can not wait….

    Love you,

  5. What a coincidence that you posted about bikers! Last evening I looked up the Vespa website….they have a three wheeler! I was telling my husband that we could get one and I could be his biker babe. 🙂

    You have got me so totally interested in WW now and I must get going to join up soonish. Congrats on losing. Isn’t that the only thing we congratulate each other for losing?

  6. LOL! Well… since my hubby IS a biker… I really can’t say much. hehehe… No tats though! Short beard! Well trimmed. *g*

    I am just soooooo stinkin’ proud of you for your weight loss! YOU GO GIRL!!!

  7. ahhh…bikers and tattoos and fat bellies…sounds familiar 😉

    Congrats on the weight loss!!! You are doing SO well!!!

  8. LOL at the biker girl!!!!! But PHEW at the bike incident you had. I’m glad that nothing happened.

    Congrats at the weight loss, you’re really doing great there.

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