You Asked…Anneliese Part 2

We didn’t make it through the night last night with Anneliese. She cried and fussed so that at 3 AM we were up and decided to put her in her crate in another room. I hated to do it, but I’m not getting any younger, and I need my beauty sleep!

This morning she was still dragging around the hedgehog, until she viewed Arnie’s toy, Mr. Bunny. Suddenly Mr. Bunny became her baby, and she has been dragging that around the house all day. You have to have a heart made of stone to look at this and not want to weep for her.

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The Vet did prescribe some tranquilizers for her and this is helping her to relax. You know she was getting so upset looking for her imaginary babies that she was shaking as well as crying.

Phantom pregnancies are not that uncommon in dogs that have not been spayed. It appears that my females are both prone to them, as both Greta and Anneliese have had them this summer. Anneliese’s appears to be a bit worse than Greta’s was.

Erica asked if dogs can develop mastitis from this. Yes they can, and I have been watching her pretty carefully. Greta did experience mastitis with her false pregnancy in June. She required antibiotics to get over it.

Gattina asked what happens to the milk and if it hurts. No, it doesn’t hurt Anneliese, and slowly the milk will be reabsorbed into her body.

At least now she is quieting down and hopefully we all will get a good night of sleep tonight.

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14 thoughts on “You Asked…Anneliese Part 2”

  1. The pics are really quite heart-breaking indeed. You have to feel bad for her in terms of her feelings being brought on by all of this–and I feel bad for you in terms of the lack of sleep!

    Hope you have a good day today!

    Miss and love you,

  2. Poor Little doggie! I see the bunny idea worked, even though it’s not a real baby bunny. Love YOU, Mel

  3. Bless her heart. Mr. Bunny does actually look like he could be one of her babies, though. Hopefully things will work out well for her next breeding season. You have my condolences on the whole situation. *little hug*

  4. Awwwwwww… that poor little thing! Oh… I hope it ends soon too! (this reminds me of my little bird, snickers – who we thought was a boy until he layed eggs! She sat those eggs and loved those eggs… and of course, they were blanks – she hadn’t been mated… we had to take them away… one at a time… it was sooooo sad.) 🙁

  5. Ohhh..that breaks my heart! I can see her confusion and yearning in her little eyes. I hope she gets through this very, very quick.

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