I’m Hooked

I’ve decided I am hooked on Youtube. Do you know that you can find almost anything in the world on there?

You can find, “How to knit”, “How to tape a foot with plantar faciitis”, music videos from all of our favorite groups, including my favorite group “The Beatles”!!!

You can learn to make a crepe, or wedding cake or a classic taco salad! So far when I have typed in a search, I have gotten something back.

Now I am not slow. Actually I even have a few videos on Youtube from back when Greta had the pups.

It’s hard to believe they were ever that small!

The only downside here….I’m not getting much done. I need to put the laptop down, get away from learning how to knit and do something serious like make dinner.

I wonder what they have on Youtube for “What to make for dinner”?

6 thoughts on “I’m Hooked”

  1. Ohhhhh my gosh! You and AmberStar! You’re cut from the same cloth! YouTubitis! Much be catchy! Are those little yarn collars the pups are wearing? I guess so you can tell them apart, huh? How cute!

  2. Oh Youtube is such a timesuck! Husband and I spent a good hour on Saturday morning looking at the title sequences from old 1970s shows like Hawaii 5-0, Quincy, The Streets of San Francisco and Charlie’s Angels. Complete time warp back to our childhood!

  3. Oh thank goodness it isn’t just me that looked up how to do this or that in knitting on you tube. Melli thinks I’m a You Tube addict. I’ve remembered pretty well the knit and purl thing I’ve been trying to clean some in case kids need a refuge from Gustav. However, they think maybe it will get all the way up to the DFW area.

    The puppies were so adorable.

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