Good-Bye Peach Tree

Lat night after dinner I walked the dogs and all was right in the world. The dogs were good, the sun was setting in pretty pinks and blues. Yes, it was a nice night.

We watched a little of the tennis from New York, marveling at the expertise of the competetors, and commenting also on how we miss the likes of Steffi Graff, Andre Agassi, Stan Smith and Rod Laver. Today’s players are great, but we do miss our old favorites.

At 9:30 I got all the dogs together for their last wee-wee of the night. This is usually a quick and totally uninteresting event, but last night when I turned on the back lights and opened the door this is what I saw.

Aug 31 001

Aug 31 002

Aug 31 005

Of course these were all taken the morning after when the sun came up, but I will tell you that I stood with Hubby in stunned silence staring at our Rich Haven Peach tree.

There is nothing that can be done to repair the damage to the tree, although we may be able to cut the tree back to the stump and see if it will grow a shoot over the next year.

The fruit? Well, we are leaving the tree as it is, for now. We hope that enough nutrients will get through to the fruit so that they will ripen on schedule in the next ten days.

It’s been a tough year for growing just about everything here, but I am not discouraged. After all there is always next year!

13 thoughts on “Good-Bye Peach Tree”

  1. Well, that would be a surprise… Pretty common when the tree has a lot of fruit, and the branching forks out to make a ‘Y’. Did you know you CAN save it though?

    Simply reduce the tree’s canopy, and bring the two joins together. Tape it up ising a good quality ‘budding tape’ first, and then a good quality (and strong) ‘GAFFA’ tape (usually reinforced) over the top. Cover with a bitchumen type product and place additional stakes around to support the tree.

    Not much to lose, but if it is well above the graft union, you should have success!

    Good luck!

  2. That is just sooooooo sad! Such a pretty tree, mature, and bearing GOOD fruit… knocked down in it’s prime! I would have just cried! You’re taking it quite well I think!

    Coyotes??? We used to have red foxes when we first moved here… but the moved out shortly after we moved in! Thank goodness… but Coyotes? Yikes!

  3. Well that was unexpected! Pretty strange. I know you had some damage from weather a couple weeks back?? I have never seen anything like it. I am sorry for your loss.

  4. Awwww, what a tragedy – how could that happens!?!

    I’m impressed by your attitude though – to look at the bright side: there is always a next year.

    Hope that they will ripen anyway though!

  5. What a sad view. And just before you were prepared to pick the ripe fruits.
    What happende to your peach tree, allmost happende to our apple tree, luckely a wind blow off half of the fruits, so the tree are upright again.

    Do as Bernie says. The tree might be healed

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