Dackels & Errands

It was Dackel Day today.

Hubby took his White German Shepherd to the park to work, as it was a parks clean up day, and since I had errands to run, I tossed all three dachshunds into the car and off we went. We drove to the next town and I sent off a package via UPS to a friend of mine. I wanted it packed extra special in the safety department and trackable from here to her door.

Oh the dackels loved this. Anneliese sat next to the arm rest between the seats, Arnie sat in the middle of the seat and Greta sat next to the door standing up on the armrest so she could look out. It was the cutest thing!

We stopped at the bank and I cashed a check and the nice clerk passed along dog cookies for the three beasts! How good is this?

Then we stopped at a Craftsman’s shop in town. These lovely ladies all adore my dogs and enjoy when we stop in for a visit. I took one in at a time and each dog was fawned over!

I was running late by then and just ran into the Post Office, grabbed the mail and rushed out.

I must note here that the only place to park near the Post Office was in front, BUT I had to parallel park. Now I would rather go without food than parallel park, but today I simply was running late and I HAD to do it.

And you know what? I did a picture perfect job. I mean I was so good I could have passed a driving test! I am still walking on air. I was telling Hubby and he reminded me that this was a one out of a hundred attempts and I was not to get cocky! LOL!

I made a big pot of chicken soup and took care of one more problem before I could sit down for a cup of tea.

In the mail we got the second request for documentation that Hubby and I are, in fact, married. About a month ago the company Hubby used to work for, and from whom we still get our medical insurance, wrote asking for the front page of last years Income Tax as proof we were married. I photo copied the page (and blacked out all the income) and sent it in. Flash forward to today. They want a copy of our marriage license. So I dragged that out (after 20 years!) and faxed that to them too.

I can only wonder what will be next!

10 thoughts on “Dackels & Errands”

  1. Is there still all that construction in front of the post office? Maneuvering around orange cones definitely makes parallel parking harder than it needs to be!

    I can’t believe they wanted to see your marriage license after all this time. I’m not even sure I could find mine!

  2. OH, a lovely outing for all the pups and you too! Sounds great! That chicken soup sounds good too, it’s cold this morning. Love YOU, Mel

  3. Don’t insurance companies drive you nuts? 20 years and NOW they question??? LOL! Sounds like the whole family had a great outing yesterday – even if it was in different directions. Congrats on that parking job! I had to parallel park this weekend in Fredricksburg – and I did it on the first try – but it wasn’t so pretty! My back tire was *squooshed* up against the curb! LOL!

    Maribeth… I try sO hard not to bring politics to my blog — but I just HAD to this time. I do NOT like discussing politics with … anybody. Dennis and I don’t even talk about it MUCH and he and I are quite agreeable on our views. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable this morning … I hope I don’t find a need to post any more political anythings!

    I can’t WAIT to hear about your Bible Study! Do you know what the study is on yet?

  4. That’s the tip of the top ! after 20 years ! nothing surprises me anymore ! We have got a letter addressed to Mr.G and Miss F ! for our house !! Apparently it’s in all countries the same ! Administrations and insurances !
    Congratulations for your parking performances, lol !

  5. You know, the Germans make fun of American driving test standards (say ours are way too easy … which is true, as driving instruction is a huge industry over here). But I can’t recall being asked to parallel park … it may have happened, but it wasn’t memorable. They were more worried about me knowing that I should turn the motor off when stopped at a railroad crossing — Die Umwelt (the environment).

  6. I think that you should have a second wedding, have a big party, get all dressed up, take pictures and invite your insurance agent ๐Ÿ™‚ Glad you had a good day with the pups!! You always get so much done.

  7. When my hubby retired we had to have a copy of our marriage license and ours is gone…somewhere. Anyway the company had asked for our license in the past so I asked hubby to get a copy from them. Life is so tiresome at times. Sounds like you had a fun day with the dackels and running errands. ๐Ÿ™‚

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