About The Eye

I have had several people write and ask me about my recently posted eye pictures. I wrote about it a long time ago, but many of you have joined me since then. So let me post this link which will tell you the story of what happened to me, and my poor little eye back in 2002.

little shot

I’m quite lucky now. I have most of my vision, and my distance vision is perfect. About the only deficit I have is with my peripheral vision, and there isn’t much we can do about that. After what I went through I am very happy to have as much of my vision as I do have.

Yes, it was a very scary thing to go through. I can safely say that one of the greatest of all of my senses is my vision. To not be able to see the beauty around me would break me. So I thank God each and every day for doctors gifted and dedicated enough to have been able to operate and restore what was so cruelly taken from me.

The eyes are both doing well now and I simply have yearly visits to make sure that the eyes are remaining healthy.

Trust me, I will never again take my vision for granted!

10 thoughts on “About The Eye”

  1. One of your readers commented : holy cow ! I think I should say the same ! that must have been one of the worst periods of your life (besides loosing your daughter) I also would prefer to loose hands and feet but not my eyes ! I am happy that everything went good although 5 years is a long time !

  2. Isn’t it just amazing what modern medicine has given us? In your case – great vision! I’m always amazed by stories like these – and thank God! You are sooo blessed!

  3. I am so thankful that you made out well! When I had to stop wearing my contacts I was sad, but thought what the heck, I can SEE!!!! Such a gift to be able to see clouds, flowers, fall leaves, a babies smile, a doggie or kitty, mountians, the ocean, birds, etc….

  4. I shouldn’t complain about needing glasses all the time (it’s been 5 years with reading glasses but now I feel more comfortable wearing multifocals), it is annoying but I can see! glad everything went well for you.

  5. You were very lucky they were able to reattach your retina. I think that is what your blog said the other day.

    Your post at my blog was so funny….that has happened to me before. Once my cat opened the door and came in and I was out looking for her. Found her looking at me from inside the house through the window…wondering why I was outside.

  6. I didn’t know that it was for so long time as 5 years. Must have been very tough. Good thing to share your story, because I think that patients often listen too much to what the doctors says – or not says – instead of doing some research themselves. I’ve done research myself and got much help and understanding about my problems this way – help that NO doctor has given me. Don’t trust one doc’s or even several doc’s opinion, listen to your own body and gut feeling and make a stand for your own opinions. Seek help of experts that listen.

    That is so true. Goes for everything. Never take things for granted!

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